Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] when [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am not alleging that they are mechanically unsafe , but when people go to parties or dances they find that some of the buses are not clean and up to the standard that they had come to expect when buses were under local authority control .
2 A double dissociation is said to occur when Lesion 1 produces a deficit on Task A , but not Task B , while Lesion 2 gives a deficit on Task B but not Task A. A good example of this approach is the work of Schneider ( 1967 ) , who studied visually guided behaviour in hamsters .
3 She must have had to duck when Alain 's father was displeased too , Jenna thought sourly , frowning at Alain .
4 This keyword is used to control when LIFESPAN RDBI runs and for how long .
5 But Anselm still persisted , and the real test was bound to come when Archbishop Gerard died .
6 East Londoners are set to benefit when Wimpey Homes ’ Housing Initiatives London unit starts work on its latest partnership project — a joint venture agreement to build 75 affordable flats and homes on Crown Estate land in Hackney .
7 For anyone who regards language as the canonical form of human communication , the answer would probably be ‘ Not much is left over ’ and the residue , such as it is , is either a redundant supplement to words — something which the telephone shows we can do without — or else a sadly impoverished alternative which we are sometimes compelled to use when circumstances make the ordinary use of words awkward or impossible .
8 The quality of children 's learning is assumed to improve when education is managed well .
9 She was brought up in France just before the Second World War , but as an adolescent she was sent to spend a year with relatives in Germany where she was forced to remain when fighting broke out .
10 I was not allowed to play when Mum and Dad were in because they could n't stand the din , so I had to wait until they were down the pub to enjoy myself .
11 Intended as a rough and ready hang-out , where Rourke and other tinseltown bikers could wear their leather and bandannas , it was actually situated in an upscale Beverly Hills mall , and was forced to close when locals complained about the noise made by those big Harleys and equally outsized Hollywood egos .
12 Opposition criticism of the decision increased during early February ; Shekhar was eventually forced to act when Congress ( I ) announced on Feb. 16 that it would not oppose a no confidence motion against the government unless the refuelling was halted .
13 Authority never ceased to sigh when nurses left to marry , but if Benedict 's nurses married Benedict 's men , then authority sighed a little less loudly .
14 Surely hotels should be held to contract when payment has been made in full by clients ?
15 Her joy changed to alarm when Miss Hatherby said quietly , ‘ Come and sit down , Constance .
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