Example sentences of "[vb pp] [subord] for the " in BNC.

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1 Is everything in Venice frozen except for the canals ? ’ she asked wickedly .
2 he is an officer or employee of that company or a related company who has access to unpublished price sensitive information which ought not reasonably to be disclosed except for the proper performance of his duties ; or
3 he is in a professional or business relationship with that company or a related company and has access to unpublished price sensitive information which ought not reasonably to be disclosed except for the proper performance of his duties
4 During this declamation the rest of the audience departed except for the North Sea Gas lady who , when the poet finished , resumed her enquiry about her original subject .
5 Initially he was responsible for continuing the restorations begun by Hicks , including Turnworth Church — entirely rebuilt except for the tower — and St Juliot .
6 But whereas Hitchcock was to thrive in business selling a vast number of spinets , of which a great many survive , William Smith would be quite forgotten but for the chance survival of this one harpsichord .
7 Superficially it might have appeared as though two brawny giants , immobilised but for the sway of their torsos , were about to jab and slash at one another , piercing and flaying till the vampire bat device decided that sufficient flesh had been sliced , that sufficient blood had coagulated in slim cinnabar threads .
8 Obviously Jackson could have proposed these many things plus the obliteration of the moon and none of it , none of his isolate and courageous and visionary ideas would have mattered but for the huge national endorsement he received .
9 They would long ago have vanished but for the fact that a powerful tide daily takes most of this pollution out to sea .
10 The watch is British made except for the movement which comes from the best Swiss supplier .
11 Quinn sat on the floor , his back against the hard wall , and would have dozed but for the questions from Simon .
12 The right course , so the argument runs , is to do what the Attorney-General would have done but for the reverses suffered in the extradition proceedings , namely to postpone the Barclays ( Asia ) and West L.B. trials until B.M.F.L. is out of the way .
13 When the police were billeted in the colliery , the safety men came to work , which they would not have done but for the presence of the police .
14 So , until the decision is made again , it is not possible to say whether the loss would not have been suffered but for the illegal decision .
15 The same procedure was adopted as for the immediate recall part of the experiment but words were used from set B. However , before the subject was allowed to recall the words an arbitrary three digit number , provided below the word list for each trial , was given to the subject and the subject asked to repeat the number and count backwards by threes as fast as they could for thirty seconds .
16 The idea was so daft she would have laughed except for the Captain 's searing glance , which rested for no more than a second on her before returning to burn into Midnight as he breathed :
17 If the injury due to the escape of the noxious thing would not have occurred but for the unusual sensitiveness of the plaintiff 's property , there is some conflict of authority whether this can be regarded as default of the plaintiff .
18 This basic test is whether the damage would not have occurred but for the breach of duty .
19 Would the alleged consequence have occurred but for the negligent cause .
20 It will cover any expenses reasonably incurred and any loss of benefit which you might reasonably be expected to have had but for the dismissal .
21 yes in little booklets but it was actually homework at , it was produced but for the school , had a school name and crest so
22 Nevertheless , he obtained a Commission in the Regular Army before the Great War of 1914 — 1918 , in which he was wounded by a sniper 's bullet through a lung , and would have died but for the fact that one of his men , having also been wounded , fell on top of ‘ Monty ’ and thereby , protected him from further sniper bullets until darkness permitted rescue to be made .
23 A court heard that the shop owner would have died but for the prompt action of two ambulancemen .
24 A court heard that the shop owner would have died but for the prompt action of two ambulancemen .
25 It is important to note in this context that courts have an inherent power to permit anyone to act as advocate , though this is seldom exercised except for the massive exception which at one time allowed police officers to act as prosecutors in the magistrates ' courts .
26 Reality had become nightmare for them and they 'd opted out into a world where meals came , drugs were given , and all the doors were locked except for the bathroom .
27 In other words man 's life was not really affected except for the possible lack of sex which I have mentioned whereas woman was reduced to eating and sleeping and also probably knitting little woolly jumpers and hats and gloves and scarfs and trousers .
28 ‘ The removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where — ( a ) it is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person , an institution or any other body , either jointly or alone , under the law of the state in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention ; and ( b ) at the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised , either jointly or alone , or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention .
29 ‘ I think the public will be better protected if for the next two years and possibly afterwards you are on a regime of medication which will ensure you do n't do anything like this again , ’ he said .
30 In 1965 the clash was more marked because for the first time the EEC was seriously attempting to inaugurate a common policy .
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