Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] by some " in BNC.

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1 All that is needed is plenty of recall , supplemented perhaps by some memory-tickling research .
2 He was hustled away by some of the extra police officers drafted in for the case .
3 We were all absolutely fagged out , and promptly dropped off to sleep at 4 a.m. , only to be caught later by some children who betrayed us to the patrols .
4 Sometimes the author 's identity is given away by some small detail reflecting a habit of expression or thought , and this seems to confirm that each writer has a linguistic " thumbprint " an individual combination of linguistic habits which somehow betrays him in all that he writes .
5 Strictly speaking , the phrase ‘ budgetary accounting ’ refers to the practice ( adopted particularly by some US local governments ) of including budgeted amounts and actual amounts within the double-entry .
6 It is worth taking a brief look at McLuhan himself ( 1962 ; 1964 ; 1967 ) , partly because his ideas have been adopted explicitly by some writers on popular music but also because in the period of his greatest fame ( the mid- and late 1960s ) some of these ideas sediment Ed themselves into the common assumptions of quite widely , if usually implicitly , held views on culture and technology .
7 It was marred only by some Scandinavian delegates protesting human rights abuses during the opening ceremony .
8 Dr Schwarz has suggested that the evidence points to the regional divergence becoming a clear trend only after 1770 , with falls in real wages in the 1760s being avoided only by some groups in Lancashire and Yorkshire .
9 A month before harvesting , the plants were washed away by some unusually heavy rains , leaving the farmer with a loan and interest that he was unable to pay ( Rubbo 1975 ) .
10 Bangor finally shook themselves to run in three tries , helped enormously by some comical Collegians defending .
11 They say they come from Earth , and that they were transported here by some means they can not understand . ’
12 Those unable to attend the parade watched it on television , and were joined later by some of the overseas visitors who had proudly paraded before Her Majesty The Queen outside Buckingham Palace .
13 While the proposal was known to have been received enthusiastically by some EC countries , including Portugal and Greece , others like France opposed a CSCM which would include the Middle East , preferring to limit it to the western Mediterranean .
14 Thus it is significant that in a more secular drama ( affected also by some of the emphases of Protestantism ) the formerly habitual direct dramatic presentation of God the Father or Jesus Christ became prohibited or unthinkable .
15 The text was interrupted successively by some text running sideways , a graph depicting escalating mineral water sales , the number ‘ 6 ’ and a table of five useless gadgets .
16 Cross-references to this appendix are given by italic numbers , ( eg 16 ) From Joseph Conrad , The Secret Sharer On my right hand there were lines of fishing-stakes resembling a mysterious system of half-submerged bamboo fences , incomprehensible in its division of the domain of tropical fishes , and crazy of aspect as if abandoned forever by some nomad tribe of fishermen now gone to the other end of the ocean ; for there was no sign of human habitation as far as the eye could reach ( 1 ) .
17 Striking northwards up the coast from near Khafji , accompanied also by some Qatari armour , they took it over the period 26–27 February .
18 Driven there by some distant memory from his youth .
19 That they have lent their party a distinct moral glow as a result may be greeted cynically by some .
20 As evidence , one might point to the staff appraisal procedures being introduced across the system ; or to the units for staff development , which many institutions ( especially in the public sector ) have organized ; or to the ‘ teaching week ’ run successfully by some polytechnics , where staff are encouraged to experiment with teaching styles as a means of enhancing the student experience .
21 Hastily mooring up in the Wareham Channel they rowed ashore to disappear rapidly westward in a fast car , followed discreetly by some of our Southampton colleagues .
22 A well-conceived interior , spoilt only by some awkward minor switchgear , should please anyone looking to cover large mileages , while the V6 engine , although not the last word in smooth-spinning power , executes its task effectively and quietly .
23 Some decision-making processes are influenced more by some factors than by others ; thus it is probably appropriate to stress the importance of political input in British central government , of organizational considerations in British local government and of bargaining with external forces in American government .
24 In the spring , vast masses of frogs ' spawn floated just beneath the surface , like submerged chain-mail cast there by some passing knight .
25 Although homoeopathy is appealing to the lay practitioner , and the number of lay colleges is increasing rapidly in this country at the present time , such developments are viewed askance by some of the medically qualified practitioners mainly because they fear that lay homoeopaths will not possess an adequate grasp of basic medical principles — a fear reflected in the recent BMA report on alternative medicine .
26 Sir Gregory had been given back much of his estate during Mary 's short reign , and his Catholicism , while viewed askance by some of the villagers , was in general tolerated .
27 With increasing longevity more families will become four and five generation ones , often influenced emotionally by some very elderly relative , so that development of this area of therapy is bound to be fruitful .
28 In this relaxed , sun-dappled atmosphere of banyan trees , velvet sand and wide horizons , the Maldives seem like a lost corner of the globe , waiting to be stumbled across by some shipwrecked mariner .
29 No. 28 , Bill and Onyx 's house , was a really shoddy little semi , thrown together by some builder after a quick buck ten or twelve years before .
30 Highgate Cemetery was more or less on his way to the theatre , and although it was almost all old graves without flowers , he had seen some being left regularly by some nutty Communist at the grave of Karl Marx .
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