Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] and for " in BNC.

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1 In single-step selection the entities selected or sorted , pebbles or whatever they are , are sorted once and for all .
2 ‘ It will never be healed until the day the mystery is finally solved once and for all . ’
3 Fear of death had vanished once and for all .
4 Charlton Curry , the second placed Liberal , said that Conservatism had ‘ departed once and for all ’ from Co Durham and ( with a nod to Mr Fallon and one or two of his predecessors ) was just about right .
5 The figures for test occasion one is presented vertically and for test occasion two horizontally in the tables .
6 As you would expect , the change in pronunciation was made once and for all , but either the brothers or the editors of the Register seem to have had difficulty making up their minds how to spell it .
7 Abreu 's strategies appear to rule out such renegotiation possibilities — an agreement is made once and for all and can never be reopened .
8 Second , within the Consumer Movement , the long-standing question whether its producer capacity should be developed as independent industrial co-operatives and hence under the control of the people working in them , or whether it should be treated as incidental to the consumer co-operatives and accountable to them , had , as we have seen , been decided once and for all in favour of the latter alternative .
9 I say this because I believe that those constitutional issues have to be decided once and for all at this year 's Party Conference .
10 In The Dear Deceit ( 1960 ) the dichotomy between truth and fiction hinted at in The Sycamore Tree is brought to the fore , and the possibility of reaching a pre-discursive reality is relinquished once and for all .
11 There are certain defences or exceptions to infringement ; for example , if the act is done privately and for non-commercial purposes or for experimental purposes ( on the basis that the proprietor 's interests are not harmed by such use ) .
12 That operation as I understand it is certainly either available on the National Health or er likely to be available on the national health I have not understood that it is the sort of operation which will for any reason suddenly need to be done and I bear in mind that the plaintiff has had already an operation on his hip done on the National Health , it seems to me on the probabilities that there is a very strong probability that that operation will be done on the National Health and not done privately and for that reason it does not seem to me right to include any sum in relation to that in the damages .
13 ‘ The understanding of our history we achieved in preparing for the 70th anniversary of October is not something frozen and given once and for all .
14 More importantly , they show how , even in what is regarded as the most basic type of communication , the context that is relevant to the disambiguation of deixis should be seen not as a physical setting that is fixed and given once and for all , but rather as a cognitive space that is actively constructed by participants in the course of the interaction .
15 But the strikers who have fought over so many months with so much courage and strength have achieved another kind of victory — they have exposed once and for all the myth of the TUC 's solidarity with exploited workers and in the process of doing so they have redefined the methods and outlook of industrial struggle .
16 This page looks at developments in Management — an area in which there has been much developed nationally and for which SCOTVEC 's new Advanced Courses have been ideally suited to respond .
17 Not only are such predicates eliminable , it might be argued , but conceivably it might be possible to devise a method of paraphrase which would enable us to dispense with quantifiers as well ; and if the latter can be achieved , then the myth of the " logical independence " of existential propositions will have been exploded once and for all .
18 It is high time that some of the myths presented by Labour Members were buried once and for all .
19 Passive verbs are sometimes necessary , but they should be used sparingly and for a purpose .
20 It is regarded as " tax revenue allocated once and for all to the Community to finance its budget and accruing to it automatically without the need for any subsequent decision by the national authorities ' ( European Commission 1989b ) .
21 In a syndicated article that ran all over the country , The Washington Post summarised Strickland 's disclosures : ‘ Prof. Rick Heber 's group at the University of Wisconsin may have settled once and for all the question of whether the disproportionate mental retardation of slum children is the result of heredity or environment . ’
22 Here we have a living artist so surely , it seems , this can be settled once and for all .
23 A general election last Thursday would have settled once and for all the political policies that the country will follow for the next few years .
24 Putting it algebraically , the management 's problem is : where W is social benefit as defined above and for simplicity we have assumed two inputs only , say labour and capital .
25 If the words are fixed once and for all , on the page , may not their meaning be fixed also ?
26 The extent of the obligation to state the reasons on which a legislative measure is based is not defined once and for all but must be determined on the basis of the particular facts of each case .
27 Media coverage of the CIOB has increased significantly and for the first time coverage has been obtained at national level on television , radio and in the press .
28 The popular misconception which holds that unless one is able to sing one is not able to take part in a musical item needs to be dispelled once and for all .
29 I hate to see ‘ Guernica ’ in a museum whose sights are set on the future , having left once and for all its mausoleum in the Valley of the Fallen , to prove to the world what it is : an extraordinary composition suffocated by an excess of sentimentality , distorted by the deranged howls of the media .
30 But it was too late , or perhaps I forced the confession out of myself , determined once and for all to rid myself of the burden of this secret .
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