Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] back to " in BNC.

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1 Hereford cattle have a long pedigree … they can be traced right back to the red cattle of Roman Britain .
2 The swing is pushed and is not pushed again until it has come right back to its starting point .
3 Suddenly she was catapulted violently back to consciousness by rough hands on her shoulder , shaking her into unwilling life .
4 Uncle H has developed a fascinating heresy based on the idea that exactly what you did to other people while you were alive gets done right back to you once you 're dead .
5 So I told Boris to forget it , broke the news to Hilda and to the ambassador and was transferred instantly back to London .
6 It can be traced directly back to the anti-Dreyfusard cause of the late nineteenth century .
7 For Piaget , the adult 's ability to think logically , to manipulate symbols in meaningful ways and to solve complex problems can be traced directly back to the infant 's first attempts to make sense of her surroundings .
8 Rather than strain the reader 's credulity by indulging in equivalent flights of genealogical fantasy , I shall start with our Victorian predecessors , since most of the currents of modern social anthropology ( as of sociology ) can be traced directly back to them .
9 But whatever else was lost , the impetus that Winckelmann had given to Greek scholarship in Germany survived ; and if we wish to understand its subsequent history and the remarkable growth of German classical scholarship as a whole , we should not forget his formative contribution , even though much of the impending development can hardly be traced directly back to him .
10 Yes , it 's got more back to it .
11 She turned her gaze away and stared towards the river , watching the faint sway of the trees as their branches dipped and brushed against the water , but after a few too brief seconds she found her eyes drawn helplessly back to that window , and gasped .
12 Glancing around while Adam negotiated a refill for himself , her gaze was drawn involuntarily back to Rourke .
13 One way is to change the angle of the shot so that the light comes cross-wise and hence will not be reflected straight back to the camera .
14 Mike Sadler was flown straight back to the Eighth Army and assigned the task of navigating the New Zealand Division around the south of the Mareth line , while Cooper was able to enjoy the pleasures of Constantine with an old friend , Reg Seekings , who had made his way through after the B Squadron attacks on the road .
15 Have you er has it got ta re be rewound right back to the beginning ?
16 At the other end of North Africa , on 8 November , Anglo-American forces had landed in Algeria , and Rommel had retreated right back to the Agheila position , where he dug in on the defensive .
17 There were no further messages on the tape , and as it was switched off Lucy found her thoughts being dragged unwillingly back to the question of Doreen Andrews .
18 A failed test means no progress that round , and a test failed by 30 or more means the character has slipped right back to the bottom of the stairs — anyone beneath him must make another I test at -20 to avoid being carried back down as well .
19 This will do you no harm at all , although to be brought gently back to the present by the voice of the therapist is a more satisfactory way .
20 As things turned out , it was probably just as well that I was brought gently back to earth by Beryl , who from one of the Trust 's head offices masterminds the working holidays with military precision , advised me that the only available option was a 21-plus Acorn Project at Clumber park in Nottinghamshire .
21 Brought suddenly back to a world of misunderstandings , she stared at his broad shoulders in dismay .
22 I was brought rudely back to the real world by Tony 's tripod coming off the top of the pile of clatch ( odds and ends ) piled up above the seat and hitting me on the head as the truck lurched to a halt , diving itself into a drift of deep snow .
23 We 'd hoped to have a beer afterwards , but Leo had disappeared probably back to his daughter and girl friend .
24 In Fig. 3 the oldest branch ( c ) will soon have to be cut right back to the vine stump and it can be seen that the vigneron tending this vine has already decided to cultivate another branch ( b ) in preparation .
25 Heh , there things really have gone right back to 1965 .
26 Then , when the war ended in the summer of 1945 , after being demobbed from Germany , he 'd gone straight back to the US , with no possible hope of any real communication between them except for one or two impermanent and unreliable addresses .
27 If I get word to British Naval Intelligence , they 'll see you 're escorted safely back to England . ’
28 ‘ And as the light fades , we watch the last urine sample of the day being taken slowly back to the laboratory ’
29 Anyone viewing that figure can put the cursor on that item , press a key and be taken directly back to where the data was entered .
30 I was taken straight back to our house .
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