Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 So dear Dr. Godman I feel I have been treated badly in this case and would be grateful if you would pursue this matter further .
2 For Hayek , the growth of the market economy can be explained only in this evolutionary framework .
3 Children of 4 years and upwards may be developed sufficiently for this technique to be effective .
4 How could he be making small talk when their bodies were pressed together like this ?
5 He was proud that their freedom parade and service and the mayor 's installation should be joined together in this way .
6 In fact , there , that that , that 's that printing of s , that shape of s , followed by a t , was still used by some printers right up until the twentieth century , because it 's actually , you know that when when prints , print was put together by hand , by picking up each letter erm , and as assembling it separately , there was actually always a stop letter , a stop erm , I ca n't remember what it 's called , although I did some printing years ago , erm , lump a die thing with s t already printed together , because because s t is used so much in combination , the erm , printer did n't always have to set up s followed by a t , but had a rack of s t's already prepared and they were often , virtually joined together in this way , and erm , I got , I got an edition of I think it 's the novels of Jane Austen printed in the nineteen twenties which still use that shape of s t but used as the small s for any other forms .
7 I have heard much about this . "
8 You should heard long before this .
9 You should heard long before this .
10 Most part-timers are women , which explains why women have fared better in this recession than men .
11 It was n't that I was n't listening , I heard him all right ; but I was busy with my own thoughts , or , rather , my own feelings — the two were inextricably mixed together at this moment — and what he said was merely a background to the tumult that was going on inside me .
12 He and I do not perhaps instantly fit into the standard parliamentary stereotypes of the steady old stallion and the keen young foal who are usually harnessed together for this occasion .
13 I have omitted much in this survey of the centuries .
14 Although University and College graduates are grouped together in this data , men dominate university places 4:1 and women make up 90 per cent of Junior College students which further accentuates the status of men .
15 Items ( 2 ) — ( 6 ) are considered below in this chapter with the remainder of this book being devoted to takeover offers under the City Code .
16 An acknowledgement is included elsewhere in this Journal .
17 Nizan 's ambitions as a novelist are to be located squarely within this frame of reference .
18 Originally a Benedictine Abbey Church , which was destroyed by fire in 1120 , it was rebuilt soon after this much on the pattern of S. Mark 's in Venice and was made into a Cathedral in 1649 .
19 ‘ IT 'S been disappointing coming here for the last 20 years — so let's not get carried away with this defeat ’ .
20 Lets not get carried away with this alleged rift .
21 But she 's getting carried away with this , though her friends are good enough but they 're all getting carried away as you would say with a bad crowd .
22 Before we get carried away by this dazzling technology though , it is as well to recognise that all this automation will not produce good videos if the operator of the equipment is lacking in the knowledge of editing principles and in creative ability !
23 We must be careful , however , not to be too carried away by this idea .
24 Mr. Walker : Obviously , the Hon. Gentleman is emotionally carried away by this decision .
25 Agricultural policy was pursued separately from this job creation approach .
26 She ignored it ; I 've been wounded already in this battle , brother .
27 The jet is visible ( it has a rather different structure from jets considered elsewhere in this book because of the motion of the surrounding fluid ) .
28 The better dealers , quite logically , fared best with this new thorn in the flesh , a qualification planned to be compulsory for giving investment advice under the Financial Services Act ( 1986 ) .
29 More details of these activities are contained elsewhere in this issue of Update .
30 It was unjust and degrading to be hustled away like this , Sabine thought .
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