Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] without [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Never seen him without his crash helmet on ; could be an albino or a Rastafarian for all he knew .
2 Until she had seen him without his clothes on — so she had told herself — Jessica had not been sure .
3 She took them off the minute she entered her apartment block , realising that since no one at Vasey 's had seen her without her glasses they had no need to question why she was wearing them now .
4 We could n't have done it without them .
5 But , no , my husband has helped an awful lot , I could n't have done it without him .
6 ‘ You could hardly have done it without us , of course , but never mind that .
7 ‘ Oh , no , he would never have done it without you . ’
8 ‘ That 's right , ’ Laura exclaimed , ‘ I could n't have done it without you .
9 I could n't have done it without you . ’
10 Although the merger gave them the chance to start Andy claims they could ‘ never ’ have done it without it — the recession has taken clients and exposure has been ‘ painful ’ on occasions .
11 Some dark impulse , it seems , had brought him without his knowledge to an Edwardian terrace notorious as the haunt of poor immigrants and richer prostitutes .
12 This time , however , some dark impulse had brought him without his knowledge to an Edwardian terrace notorious as the haunt of prostitutes .
13 Do I take it Councillor that they would not have received it without your visit ?
14 On 5 December 1991 the father applied for an order that his two children be returned to the jurisdiction of the State of Victoria , Australia , on the ground that the mother had taken them without his consent in breach of the joint custodial rights vested in him under the Australian Family Law Act 1975 .
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