Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] out for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Had the care manager stuck to the initial referral alone , which was for respite care , she would have sorted them out for that , and that would have been it . ’
2 ‘ I saw you struggling with it ; you should have left it in the Range Rover — I would have lifted it out for you . ’
3 But what Miss Blagden had sought her out for was not only to ask after her welfare or bring news from Lucca but to offer her two lady-boarders for three months .
4 Among the celebs busting to catch a glimpse of Nick 's end-of-the-pier nostalgia show were CLING POPPIE , JOHN from the NED 'S , SUEDE drummer SIMON , PAVEMENT , SEAN HUGHES ( cor , have n't seen him out for ages ) , ALAN and DAVE from the ROCKING BIRDS ( Hey !
5 Well Ben , I look fifteen and I 've got it out for someone already .
6 I 've opened it out for you , look , have n't I , with that A.
7 Earnest me anyway slightly hankered alter another Italian boy , Joseph , who had invited me out for a walk .
8 So why had he invited her out for the day ?
9 Why have you brought me out for this ? ’
10 well you know , John Smith laid out his budget for the next , study for the , to cover the next two years and there , I mean there 's no intention to , to change it in the foreseeable future , I mean they 've laid it out for two years so that the basic rate stays the same , that the personal allowances are being increased so that this will take a lot of lower paid people out of tax and that coupled with the child benefit will make everybody up to about twenty two thousand a year better off , and then from there they 'll be a , a , a range of people who to it wo n't make much difference
11 After you 'd stuck it out for so long , why did you leave ? ’
12 He would n't have asked her out for a meal if he did n't like her , she reasoned .
13 Luckily , my mum is sound ; she never would have thrown me out for putting rips in my jeans or anything like that .
14 He is an old man who Mr Browning met in the burning streets of Florence last month half out of his wits and with nowhere to go his wife having thrown him out for what reason I do not know .
15 Brian had thrown her out for what he inaccurately called adultery .
16 Mike came down yesterday morning , mind you he had been on his own quite a lot , a lot of time yesterday for the day Josh , cos I went to Altrincham with me mum at half nine and it , I 'd taken him out for a walk to make sure he 'd had his walk and Mike did n't get up till gone half two and when he come down he 'd cut a report of Lisa 's on the floor
17 CROCKED star Gary Stevens last night blasted the Airdrie hard-man who has put him out for six weeks .
18 I have left it out , I have left it out for him
19 It has not inherited this behaviour ; it has either worked it out for itself , or learned it by observing another chimpanzee .
20 The children did n't understand at first , but when it was later explained to them , they were enormously proud that she should have singled them out for a visit .
21 There he was swirling a bunch of flowers , dressed in ill-fitting Levi 's ( surely Joe Moss could have fitted him out for the event ) and a ridiculous shirt .
22 He had been thinking , as he frequently did , of pain , and of how it almost seemed as though Rogal Dorn had singled him out for special benediction even before the Primarch 's germ-plasm had been introduced into his body …
23 And what would his heart tell him about the gods , who had singled him out for this fate ?
24 Peter Williams , the Salford centre , has been told that the shoulder injury which has kept him out for much of this season will need at least another week to heal .
25 He faces a fitness test today on the hamstring strain that has kept him out for two matches .
26 In manic periods , which seemed the most common , she was grossly overactive and reckless in behaviour , rarely slept , talked incessantly , and showed typical grandiosity in her claims that Christ had singled her out for special revelations .
27 So when we come across one that has reached its sixth , we must sit up , take notice and ask why market forces have singled it out for special success .
28 History may be cited as an example , not least because in the post-Falklands era several leading figures , including Sir Keith Joseph and Professor Hugh Thomas , have singled it out for special mention in connection with ‘ understanding the shared values which are a distinctive feature of British Society ’ .
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