Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adj] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 The winters there are long , hard and cruel ; two-thirds of the entire territory are grounded on ‘ permafrost ’ — permanently frozen earth , in many areas over one kilometre deep ; eastern Siberia contains the northern hemisphere 's ‘ pole of cold ’ , at Oimyakon , several degrees south of the Arctic Circle where temperatures in this inhabited settlement sometimes sink to — 70°C ; major rivers , seas and ports are frozen solid for most of the year , and growing conditions are so disadvantageous as to create one of the most fragile ecological systems in the world .
2 Only a few of the Christian residents appeared to notice that the Syrians had come prepared for more than just a few days ' stay .
3 It provides information on all materials that are deemed appropriate for these awards .
4 Gorbunovs , although in favour of Latvian independence , had remained a member of the section of the Latvian Communist Party loyal to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ( CPSU ) following the split in Latvian communist ranks in April [ see p. 37385 ] ; his endorsement by the Popular Front was regarded as another example of the cautious approach being taken on Latvian independence , since Gorbunovs 's good relations with the Soviet leadership were considered valuable for any future negotiations .
5 After a five week training course the crews will be deemed qualified for most low-level missions .
6 The polysorbates are deemed responsible for these changes .
7 Patients were deemed compliant for this study on the basis of a significant rise in serum concentrations of the supplemented vitamin and a correct tablet count .
8 Suitable weather conditions , ie adequate cloud cover , were considered essential for these risky daylight raids and unfortunately very few days in May and June proved to be usable .
9 The problem of meeting the probable needs and wishes of the wider constituency which might now be considered eligible for some sort of formal association with the University after obtaining a qualification therefore needs to be addressed .
10 Up to this time , Leith had not been considered suitable for some of the larger excursion steamers .
11 The Secretary of State indicates the level of community charge deemed necessary for each local authority to provide an acceptable standard of local services , He also retains the power to limit the level of community charge in a manner akin to the former ‘ rate-capping ’ powers .
12 This arises from the essence of this type of system which is that patients can go anywhere for treatment , and their home authority must pay for such treatment , whether or not it is considered necessary for that particular patient , whether or not that type of treatment figures in the local priorities , and whether or not there are ‘ more deserving ’ cases within the authority .
13 Of the attempts to provide writers with a PC-based style analyser , standard commercial channels proffer a few but their cost may be considered inordinate for such a duty and so one looks to shareware offerings because they are frequently better buys .
14 Mr Andrews cited the example of an A&E nurse who had done suturing for many years .
15 I had felt ill for several months .
16 First , it recommended that local authorities should be made responsible for all long-term care of mentally handicapped and physically handicapped people , except for the rare few in need of permanent 24-hour medical supervision , who would remain the responsibility of the NHS .
17 Inexpensive conversion-kits were made available for many Edison models of phonograph , and the new ‘ four-minute ’ cylinders remained in production until 1929 .
18 Using what would now be called GIS skills , Openshaw ( 1980 ) examined over 13 000 1 km grid squares in the UK which intersect the coastline and related these to data from the 1971 Census ( which were made available for such grid squares ) .
19 With Fisher 's appointment as President of the Board ( having a seat in the Cabinet ) came an undertaking that money would be made available for such post-war reconstruction ; and the policy itself was enshrined in legislation to enable the kind of educational expansion within the continuing and adult sectors which had been at the forefront of the Newbolt Committee 's deliberations.5 In practice , however , such expansion was never enacted , despite the ever-increasing reliance of the universities upon state funds ( by 1931 they were receiving slightly over half their income from this source ) ,
20 £50,000 has been made available for such upgrading work in the 1992/93 Capital Budget .
21 The Medical Research Council will no doubt consider particular claims on scientific merits to counter the fact that Britain has achieved great success in science because of the increasing sums that the Government have made available for that purpose .
22 Some services are financed out of general taxation and are made available for all of us to consume .
23 Only when transport was made available for some other reason did journalists — meaning , as a rule , Government journalists — get a chance to report news from Zambia 's rural areas .
24 The first was for a private hospital and the area for cleaning was not made available for some time .
25 Instead of more energy being made available for more gadgets , it makes sense to cut the energy needs of these appliances and , in the words of FoE , create ‘ negawatts ’ instead of megawatts .
26 Usually these ‘ cooperative ’ placements are temporary ; successful placements lead , it is hoped , to full-time employment and the identified job is then made available for another placement .
27 France was the main foreign influence : French military advisers came to establish military training schools , the French language was made compulsory for all students , and libraries of mainly French books were opened .
28 Medical inspection was made compulsory for all children .
29 For illustrative purposes , I suggest that two specific groups should be made eligible for these capital grants — those aged twenty , on the threshold of independence , and those at forty-five , the ideal time for career reassessment and a possible fresh start .
30 HOME ownership increased by a fifth and average prices trebled between 1979 and now but the story has turned sour for many homebuyers in recent years as mortgage arrears and repossessions soared .
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