Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [adv] long " in BNC.

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1 She 's not painted for so long that she 'll just have to be encouraged more and more .
2 The interview need not be long but Sheila will have discovered that there are people who will listen and she is now more likely to take up any referral she is given for more long term counselling .
3 A shadowy image of herself stood there , nodding and smiling shyly , while the real Isabel remained in the cold , lonely place she had inhabited for so long and grimly decided that the first step was almost accomplished .
4 He asked members to support the motion so that the Attorney General as a member of the Government and as leader of this profession could convey to the Government our sense of disgust at the way we had been treated for so long ( sustained applause ) .
5 Because of the delicacy of the pigments and potential damage if exposed for too long to light , the papyrus will not be on continuous show .
6 It is possible for the race to be won at very long odds , and on two or three occasions , assisted by Wigg , I had been able to locate the winning horse , or at least a horse in the first three , which , if the odds were long enough , nevertheless produced a satisfactory result .
7 The importance of readability has been upheld for so long that all manner of methods have been devised for its measurement .
8 Ever since she had left school Paula had worked in one of the big department stores in Bristol and she loved it , although the lengthy journey made for very long days and the bus fares ate holes in her meagre salary .
9 As Weatherall suggested in his 1992 Harveian oration , this implies either that the positive selective forces favouring the thrifty genotype were not as strong in Europeans or that the negative selective forces of a sedentary , well nourished lifestyle have operated for sufficiently long to diminish the frequency of the genotype .
10 The real giants were the lumbering sauropods ( Diplodocus , Brachiosaurus , etc. ) , four-legged dinosaurs , with enormously long necks only matched by equally long tails .
11 These names are either prescribed by law ( wholemeal bread ) or clearly descriptive ( beef stew and dumpling ) or , in the case of fish fingers , the name has been used for so long that everyone knows what they are .
12 The coolies sensed their fright instantly and in a moment forty or fifty of them were advancing menacingly on the little group of overseers , brandishing the implements they had used for so long to tend the rubber plantation under their ruthless tutelage .
13 Julian May 's Jack the Bodiless ( Pan , £4.99 ) was promised for so long that when it finally came out it took everyone by surprise , including the hardback publisher HarperCollins , and it went o.p. within days of publication .
14 All those words he had hoarded for so long and released so grudgingly .
15 The case opened with very long and complicated arguments by Master Robert of Clipstone , proctor of the bishop , and Thomas was quick to note that the pope soon became bored by the lengthy statement of the facts by Robert , and told him roundly " to get to the point " .
16 The deepest headings , approx. 14cm ( 5 ½in ) , are used with particularly long curtains to give a better proportion and are sold in two varieties — one for use with a track , the other with a pole .
17 If they 're offered at very long odds , the statistics demonstrate even more clearly although the odds are long they 're not long enough to make the be fair .
18 ‘ We 've been isolated for so long and we all thought we were so bloody good but now we have to accept the reality that we are not . ’
19 ‘ He was n't , ’ said my mother , perhaps because she had concurred for too long and now it was time for contradiction .
20 Talks dragged on so long that some doubted whether the project — an aircraft maintenance joint venture with Lockheed and CAAC , China 's national carrier — would ever materialise .
21 In general , though , they vary from long-oval in shape to almost globular , are borne on rather long peduncles and , by now , will have almost entirely lost the wizened remains of the flower 's calyx .
22 The rest were a maze of villages with names that sounded like the refrain for a pantomime song , villages whose lives were as far removed from those Manchester lives he had known for so long that it was as if they inhabited another planet .
23 The effect of capitalism on the women of farming families was therefore to trap them even further in their role as producers of labour power and to intensify the feeling which men and women of these families had experienced for so long that ‘ Life itself is work ’ .
24 Yeah but I do n't think it 's been updated for so long .
25 Eight authors and seven illustrators have been placed on unusually long shortlists for the Carnegie and Greenaway Awards .
26 Either that or you will have decided to build that extension you 've both wanted for so long to put that rattan furniture in , and when it 's finished discover that the blessed stuff does n't fit at all .
27 The argument often taking the form of assertion pitted against assertion , women trained for so long to hide their intelligence , to be polite , show an interest in other people , draw them out with questions , now in the relative security burst out with a pent-up aggression , asserting themselves , their opinions .
28 The situation has gone on too long and I 'll have to make changes .
29 But the four-ball format was unwieldy and led to extraordinarily long rounds of five hours or more .
30 We thought he 'd burst in and take away everything we had — everything I 'd worked for so long and so hard , and he did n't deserve any of it .
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