Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seems that other young men came to stay too — I suppose it must have been a very welcome extra source of income — and I understand that Great-Grandmother Tallentire was criticized for allowing young men to stay in the house when she had daughters .
2 The official newspaper of the Communist Youth League had reportedly been criticized for publishing investigative reports against party orders , and its editors had been threatened with a period in the country .
3 While accountants are criticized for producing excess ‘ short-termism ’ through stressing ROI , they are also accused of ‘ devaluing the future ’ by discounting its importance using DCF .
4 Displacement theory has , however , been criticized for giving insufficient weight to political influences on the level of public expenditure .
5 The Air Forces of the UK , Netherlands and Germany are criticized for continuing low-level flying exercises over the lands of the Innu people on the Labrador-Quebec peninsula .
6 His description is more sophisticated than that of the social anthropologically derived traditional community study which was rightly criticized for ignoring basal factors at the structural level .
7 Another issue which seemed to lead to few concrete proposals was language across the curriculum , where the school was also criticized for having few clear policies .
8 Scottish Widows was punished for allowing greedy insurance brokers to sell unnecessary insurance to customers so that they could pocket huge commissions .
9 He claimed he was really being punished for making medical advice too cheap at 6d .
10 A STORE boss was sacked for taking 60 weeks sick leave in just two years .
11 MORE than 1,000 ex-servicewomen are to sue the Ministry of Defence after being sacked for getting pregnant .
12 A RAILWAY clerk sacked for drinking half a shandy at his farewell do celebrated his reprieve yesterday — with the same tipple at his local .
13 GILLES PETERSON , head of the Phonogram offshoot Talkin Loud , has been reinstated as director/DJ of London 's Jazz FM station , after being sacked for playing anti-war songs during the Gulf crisis .
14 By the generosity of the Duke of Devonshire , an area of land on the southern side of Burlington Lane , not far from the Southern Railway Station , was made available to the Chiswick Parochial Charities , and a number of Memorial Homes were erected for housing ex-service men and their families .
15 A role for cyclic AMP in olfactory and taste organs is well-established , but InsP 3 has also been implicated for detecting certain chemical modalities .
16 The reasons given for rejecting this paper are that the brain may compensate for poor hearing by enhancing hearing in the treated ear , resulting in an overestimate of the likely effects of treating both ears .
17 No convincing reason has been given for treating onshore and offshore workers differently — often by the same company .
18 It has been suggested that this stone was brought from the Cultoon circle but there is no evidence that it was ever there and no good reason has been given for making such a move .
19 It is appropriately called ‘ Camelliifolia ’ and you can be forgiven for taking young plants as camellias .
20 Looking at the overall position , farmers might be forgiven for seeing little to cheer in these figures .
21 The people of Northern Ireland could have been forgiven for believing this to be no longer so .
22 In their farm kitchens and workshops you could be forgiven for thinking that time has stood still for 150 years .
23 But nursing could be forgiven for thinking that life — and thus the amount of change it has to cope with — is getting a bit too hectic .
24 YOU 'D be forgiven for thinking that LES AMANTS DU PONT NEUF ( Cert 18 ; W.E. ) — translated it means ‘ Lovers on the Pont Neuf ’ — would be all hearts and flowers .
25 SOME READERS may be forgiven for thinking that aeronautics began with the Wright Brothers .
26 He wrote : ‘ To judge by a lot of the stuff written about bands like U2 , you 'd be forgiven for thinking that rock starts are the new Messiahs .
27 Well so many of these songs have been done by so many people that you would be forgiven for thinking that , that .
28 Faced with France 's multicoloured vision of IT , observers could be forgiven for thinking other nations are still preoccupied with the small-screen black-and-white , version .
29 ‘ From the outside , you could be forgiven for thinking this whole episode will become very messy . ’
30 ‘ From the outside , you could be forgiven for thinking this whole episode will become very messy . ’
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