Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] place " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , but I 've heard about the place , and I must say they sound as if they 're rather exciting , ’ Lucy said with a certain amount of truth .
2 Intended as a place where DEA and CIA agents could meet unobserved with informants and clients , as a message drop for CIA arms dealers supplying Iraq and the Afghan rebels , as a waiting room for DEA CIs and couriers from Lebanon , and as a transit point , not just for heroin , but for cash , documents and bootleg computer software moving to and fro along the Beirut — Nicosia — US pipeline , Eurame , as run by El-Jorr , was more like a low-life social club than a secret intelligence centre .
3 Again , we choose Oxford , but only because this is usually given as the place of publication for Oxford University Press books .
4 The biggest problem with the diabetic clinic is that time tends to be very limited and perhaps it is best regarded as a place for assessment and the identification of problems , with a little time for education .
5 In a short campaigning season curtailed by either seasonal or financial considerations , or by both , the advantage did not lie with the attacker who , if he began a siege , risked being caught between the place he was seeking to capture and ( a constant fear ) a force coming to relieve the besieged .
6 Room 4.17 has been nominated as the place for the delivery of nominations and withdrawals .
7 It 's not too late to apply for details of this and other screenings , so if you would like to be considered for a place at the Academy , then please write
8 No application forms received after this date will be considered for a place in the Schools .
9 Leo Downer and Andy Jackson are being considered for a place in one of the fastest school eights in the country .
10 It did n't help to admit that , but for her own stupidity , she would never have come near the place .
11 Among the grand Paris hotels , the Ritz has one incomparable advantage ; it is located in the Place Vendôme , and the Place Vendôme is adjacent to the most tempting shopping-street in the world , the rue du Faubourg St-Honoré .
12 They get trapped in a place and there , it 's filling with water and they , they 've got ta get them , they got ta , they gon na drown because it 's filling with water and they got ta get out , get out before the room fills with water completely .
13 Such an expectation would be unreasonable with container ships or with general cargo vessels , where hundreds of bills of lading may have to be issued , and the issuance of final documentation is often possible only after the vessel has departed from the place of shipment .
14 Romance and mystery were added to the place when Meade Falkner wrote Moonfleet , the classic children 's adventure story which was loosely based on this family and hamlet , though set nearer to the sea .
15 She ‘ knew ’ that ‘ she had come to a place at the end of the world ’ , a backwater where there was no action at all .
16 When nothing happened , and he realised that he had come to a place without facilities , he retired for another consultation .
17 He had come to the place where God was but had not encountered the ineffable reality itself .
18 In narratives as diverse as Jane Eyre and Great Expectations , we are aware , when reading , of a certain inevitability of outcome : the writer has us by the hand — in his or her hand , almost — and we know we will be led , not necessarily to a happy conclusion but that the narrative will be resolved at a place that feels safe and right , that leaves us satisfied .
19 Many people have had experiences of déjà vu , when they have come across a place which they are able to describe in precise detail even though they know they have never been there before .
20 I 've rung around the place for you .
21 Here we were in a restaurant where books on croquet lay scattered around the place .
22 Ever heard of a place called Trafalgar ? ’
23 Tell me , have you ever heard of a place called Koraloona ? ’
24 Have you ever heard of a place called Ribnica ? ’
25 He 'd heard of the place .
26 Scotland I found to most Peruvians who had heard of the place meant two things : whisky and Cubillas .
27 Ireland is presented as a place whose feminine nature makes the country require a more powerful masculine presence to keep it from the savagery of the giant who is unmistakably a Roman Catholic monster .
28 The trade should provide a good variety of output for all tastes , from cheap classics to ‘ trash ’ , and in variety of outlets — ‘ B&Q should be seen as a place to buy books .
29 Well into the seventeenth century , the Alps were seen as a place where the only activity was shovelling snow from the 45° pastures .
30 No mention was made of the place of other Tanzanian news within this Ministerial pecking order .
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