Example sentences of "[vb pp] [art] [adj] world " in BNC.

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1 South Africa should be given the 1995 World Cup without batting an eyelid .
2 Yanto and his gang of faithful followers regarded Sharpness and dockland as their stamping ground , while Nigger and his crowd of reprobates guarded the juvenile world of Berkeley .
3 For too long we Christians have heard the modern world blowing its own trumpet .
4 Allan Wells had won the 1981 World Cup 100 metres here , fully vindicating his Olympic win of the previous year .
5 Strategic air power had all but won the Second World War .
6 Yet you still came across people who thought that South Africa would have won the last World Cup .
7 Had Moss joined the great Italian team , he could well have won the elusive World Championship .
8 I have largely omitted the microscopic world , for example , as few people own microscopes .
9 I 'll back chasing young cattle against anything else for working up a sweat , and I had already forgotten the uncharitable world outside .
10 Having impressed the bass world with their Buzz basses in particular , Pedulla have introduced a new range , the Thunderbass T-series .
11 well , they want us to move on to developing the policies which have addressed the changed world .
12 Conservatives shared the Kirkpatrick view of foreign affairs ; it was the Soviet Union 's will to conquest which had shaped the entire world , plucking into being the entire defensive structure behind which we lived .
13 The result is a fascinating and poignant tapestry in which each rug is both the unique expression of an individual tribe or group and , at the same time , an integral part of the wider forces that have shaped the carpet-making world .
14 He has sat and matched the former world amateur champions shoot up the rankings and said : ‘ I 'm glad to see them doing so well but it 's annoying when you know you are as good as them but are not able to do anything about it .
15 Beyond can be seen the outside world of ‘ Natures endless treasurie ’ , with a telescope trained on the heavens .
16 Under the rational conventions of the cycle of the seasons there is revealed a subversive world where the sensual and violent creation of new life is enacted .
17 She had built a safe world where nothing hurt , and she intended to stay in it .
18 After detailing her mental history he added , ‘ Lotte has vivid fantasies and has built a whole world of dreams .
19 Weather prediction is vital to the success of farming and other activities , and for centuries people have watched the natural world closely and used it as a guide .
20 Then I could remain sane about it , by thinking I 'm being stupid : I 've really got the best world .
21 And they 've got the whole world to disappear into .
22 ‘ Gosh , that made me feel so much better — being told the whole world is in recession ! ’
23 The crisis in commercial property that has dogged the developed world for almost five years is far from over , but in Britain as in America — not , alas , in Japan or much of continental Europe — its end can now be imagined .
24 Mrs Thatcher suggested that ‘ had America stayed in Europe after the first world war and we had a Nato then , I do not believe we would have had a second world war .
25 By the time they reached Coniston and she saw grey stone cottages beside a lake reflecting more of those unbelievable mountains , she knew she was being offered a new world .
26 Because his lips had opened a brand-new world up to her ?
27 If I was to tell you that given a perfect world that has the highest earning potential of all our companies
28 None of the belligerents intended to fight what was called the second world war , they all entered into conflict , they all began er a rearmament programme with the idea of using violence as a means to secure lesser objectives .
29 She was now to be seen in a small cubby-hole next to Mr Malik 's office , typing furiously , or on the phone to an organization called the Islamic World Unity Fund , which was said to be about to offer Mr Malik and Mr Shah a large sum in US dollars .
30 The major portion of the consumption of energy over the past 100 years has been due to the industrialisation of what is now called the Developed World .
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