Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] a [det] " in BNC.

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1 It would have been easy to track down , as a somewhat acidulous correspondent explained during a few remarks on the shortcomings of journalists .
2 Some of the young calves are fattened on the farms but many are reared for a few months and then sold for fattening in central or eastern Britain .
3 Suddenly he is more relaxed and confident and those horrible little worms of self-doubt which are perpetually burrowing away in a golfer 's head are banished for a few holes , anyway .
4 Normally six cases will be listed for a half day , which would allow about 30 minutes per case if all the claimants attended , but a significant number do not .
5 However luck was not with us for , as a reward for jumping in the intervals of appalling freezing fog , he got flu as a Christmas present and was delayed for a few days in hospital at Ringway .
6 With great reluctance , Reagan bowed to pressure from his advisers and compromised the Kemp-Roth principle somewhat by agreeing that the first cut should be delayed for a few months and reduced to 5 per cent in the first year with 10 per cent cuts in years two and three .
7 This increase in greenhouse gases is expected to eventually force global temperatures to rise by 2 to 5 °C , although the full amount of warming will be delayed for a few decades because of oceanic thermal inertia .
8 On this analysis , the 1950s-60s fertility boom can be regarded as a once-for-all anachronism .
9 The weather had changed ; summer in its glorious profusion of colours had transformed the land that Corbett had travelled through a few weeks before .
10 Sarah told her that John had secured a job in an hotel but had been sacked after a few days .
11 ‘ It was the same when he got that job on a building site and was sacked after a few days , although they said there was nothing wrong with his work .
12 The flow of oil was for the most part halted after a few days when US aircraft bombed the pumping manifold stations .
13 This is not an area where policies and procedures can be formulated after a few incidents have been experienced .
14 The wireless crackled for a few moments until , after much jiggling with the knobs , the voice of Mr Chamberlain became clear .
15 The tape crackled for a few seconds and then hummed as he replaced the receiver .
16 It was unlikely that murder had been committed for a few pounds , but one could never be sure .
17 I have n't toured for a few years now , apart from the World Cup and I made that an exception because I felt we could go all the way and win it . ’
18 In July 1980 , AMES staged its first public demonstration , when the El Calvario church was occupied for a few hours to demand a reduction in the price of basic food stuffs .
19 She hoped it would throw Maurin off guard , persuade him she had come for a little of his flirtatious conversation at the least , a few more questions about Durance and Sabine Jourdain at the most .
20 Vibrational excitation has only been reported for a few simple molecules in the gas phase , as shown in Fig. 5.8 , and vibrational structure may also be seen on some bands arising from electronic transitions .
21 In 1986 , when leading , he hit a four-iron into it , his confidence seemingly shattered for a few years after .
22 Suspecting a mild heart attack , his doctor had him admitted to hospital but tests were negative and he was discharged after a few days .
23 This had no very radical consequences : it was dropped after a few years , Diodorus says ( xi.87 ) , because too many of the prominent citizens were thereby discouraged from engaging in political life .
24 15 g ( ½ oz ) cornflour , mixed with a little water
25 Thicken towards the end of cooking if necessary with plain flour mixed with a little water and a few drops of bottled gravy browning .
26 Using a brush dipped lightly in purple food colouring ( mixed with a little water for lighter shades ) , colour the windows dark purple and tint the bricks all over the towers different shades of lavender .
27 To return to the offending nettle ( Urtica dioica ) or , it too had its uses : Martin Martin noted that in Skye ‘ the tops of nettles , chopped small , and mixed with a few whites or raw eggs , applied to the forehead and temples by way of a frontel , is used to procure sleep ’ .
28 The organic layer was washed with H 2 O , dried over anhydrous Na 2 SO 4 , mixed with a few drops of concentratd NH 4 OH , and evaporated in vacuo .
29 Without bothering to confirm the report , Guretzky-Cornitz passed it on to Army HQ , embellished with a few boastful addenda of his own .
30 The wood was added to the aquarium and a few strategically placed plastic plants were added with a few well-rounded , safe , large pebbles .
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