Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the number " in BNC.

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1 Infant mortality rate is usually calculated as the number of infant deaths in a calendar year per 1,000 live births in the same year .
2 NEONATAL MORTALITY RATE — measures the chance of death during the first month of life ; it is calculated as the number of deaths under 28 days of age ( or under one month ) during a specified time period per 1,000 live births that occurred in the same period .
3 Incidences were calculated as the number of annual discharges in a population of 100000 in each age and sex groups .
4 Death rates were also calculated as the number of deaths per recorded discharge ( case mortality or fatal spell ratio ) .
5 The symptom index was calculated as the number of times the symptom occurred when the pH was below four , divided by the total number of times the symptom was reported ; this quotient was then multiplied by 100 to give the percentage of symptoms associated with reflux .
6 On the basis of the figures given for the number of infants requiring blood transfusion there is no significant difference between the two groups for either ventilated infants or all infants ( χ 2 test , two by two analysis ) .
7 A parachute mine had fallen on the shelter beneath the school , and various figures were given for the number killed there .
8 When 0 is given as the number of parses , this indicates that the parser exited cleanly with no parses being found , a dash ( - ) indicates that the system crashed before a parse was obtained .
9 Assurances were given about the number of lesson visits on which judgments about teachers ' competence would be based , and an attempt to make the procedure more ‘ egalitarian ’ , or ‘ fraternal ’ was blocked .
10 The mass of the PFM is unknown and therefore the abundances are not to be regarded as the number of atoms per kilogramme of PFM , 20 Ne being arbitrarily placed at 10 22 atoms per kilogramme to facilitate comparison with the graphs for the planets .
11 A positive correlation has indeed been reported between the number of prescriptions for psychotropic drugs issued by general practitioners in England and Wales and the rate of deliberate self-poisoning , and it has been estimated that a reduction of 1000 psychotropic prescriptions would be associated with 3.8 fewer admissions as a result of deliberate self-poisoning ( Forster and Frost 1985 ) .
12 Should a question be included about the number of children in the unemployed person 's family ?
13 Advance booking is strongly recommended as the number of children visiting Santa may have to be limited .
14 The comparison that I made in The Independent newspaper was based on what the Secretary of State 's own review had recommended as the number required to run the system .
15 We are frequently reminded by the media and by professionals of various kinds of the size of the increase which is to be expected in the number of those aged over 75 or 85 years by the end of the century .
16 Cursor movement ( or direction ) keys are located in the number pad at the right of the keyboard ( or in a cluster of direction keys to the left of the number pad ) and in the function key pad ( see page 6 ) .
17 Yet it is also stylized , very arty in its slow motion and repetitions , grotesquely exaggerated in the number of bullet hits scored on both bodies ( by the usual device of small charges and sachets of ‘ blood ’ ) and staged quite artificially .
18 Such an MNP will have to obtain separate indemnity cover for overseas branch offices ; only the gross fees of the MNP 's offices in England and Wales will be taken into account in calculating its indemnity contributions ; and those partners in the MNP who normally practise from overseas offices will not be included in the number of principals for the purpose of calculating the contributions .
19 Inglis ( 1965 ) summarised data which showed that among individuals with memory defects only the number of items recalled from the second ear differed from the number recalled by normal control subjects , whereas recall from the initial ear was similar for both groups .
20 In the following year Malta and Constantinople were added to the number .
21 My Lords , the , the point made by the Noble Lord is that it is an important one erm it is important that teachers do feel comfortable with this subject and to that end the erm grant for education support and training is making money available and religious education has been added to the number of subjects for which it can be made available to help with er improving specialisms in schools , but also pr improving co-ordination for religious education in schools .
22 He was appointed by a decree of the Russian government , by whose decision the Hermitage is now included among the number of especially important national cultural monuments .
23 The judge pronounced that , as he was so attracted by the number four , he would be sentenced to sixteen years ' imprisonment , four years for each of his four ‘ marriages ’ .
24 Overwhelmed by the number of donors pushing their desire to lend , recipient governments were frequently unable to sort out their own priorities in a meaningful way .
25 Mr Philips further insisted : ‘ We were overwhelmed by the number of messages of support we received from across the North of Ireland , and we even got a phonecall from as far away as Greece . ’
26 A spokesman said they had been overwhelmed by the number of applications when the new disability living benefit was announced and said it had taken longer than anticipated to sort out .
27 Nor are details given of the number of Euramco shares that the respective investors purchased or subscribed for .
28 According to Price Waterhouse , integrating business objectives with information technology is seen as the number one business problem , and organisations increasingly want to see tangible benefits from their investment in technology .
29 A decision might have to be made about the number of elderly people for which it is possible to take responsibility in any one family .
30 If the date is to be precise to the year of felling , the bark must also be present , otherwise an estimate must be made of the number of missing rings corresponding to likely wastage by the carpenter .
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