Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] part by " in BNC.

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1 Design signifies architectural design in this context , although such a review raises issues in town planning and housing policy which are beyond the scope of this paper , and which have been addressed in part by others .
2 The costs of convalescence are normally met in part by individual or Branch contributions and in part by the welfare funds raised by the Association .
3 The costs of convalescence are normally met in part by individual or Branch contributions , and in part by the welfare funds raised by the Association .
4 In Australia the need to make the material more accessible to a widely scattered clientele has been met in part by the adoption of a centre for every state and territory , each of which holds a replicate collection of teaching materials .
5 The $900 million cost of the modifications will be met in part by Finland , Sweden and Norway .
6 In defence of the industries , however , one has to make an allowance for the social costs of policies ( such as maintaining an uneconomic rail service for a community or loss-making plants in areas of high unemployment ) and for decisions on pricing , investment , and employment which are shaped in part by the political calculations of the government of the day .
7 But the lack of visual impact is compensated in part by the richness of the language and the calibre of the performances .
8 This was answered in part by a number of small-scale entrepreneurs operating in the shanty towns .
9 He was answered in part by a deafening blast from outside the vehicle .
10 Its significance can be gauged in part by looking at the range of objections to the theatre as a place which subverted metaphysical fixity .
11 The UK 's sensitivity towards conflicts of interest and duty was reflected in part by the division of functions on the Stock Exchange .
12 The buoyant economy at the end of the eighties of course helped in part by increasing road congestion , forcing many to take the train who would have preferred to drive .
13 He suggests that they will be replaced in part by three more diversified and stable services , all of which are sitting on golden eggs in a restructuring Europe : accounting , law and computing .
14 The uproar was no doubt stimulated in part by the authorship of the articles , which included Francis Crick , but also reflected the outraged resistance of many biologists to the concept of ‘ selfish DNA ’ .
15 Inspired in part by Gandhi , Niyogi drew on Marx and Mao to create a non-dogmatic popular movement that integrated the work , social and cultural aspects of its members ' lives .
16 Sustained efforts made to limit educational opportunities for commoners were inspired in part by the hope that this would ensure that noblemen would provide the increasingly specialized and trained personnel required .
17 Global ozone depletion by CFCs may be offset in part by natural effects or by the effects of other pollutants .
18 Meanwhile the adverse economic repercussions , especially for Jordan , Egypt and Turkey , were offset in part by promises of financial assistance , but the position for Jordan in particular was much aggravated by the refugee crisis caused by the displacement of hundreds of thousands of foreign workers from Kuwait and Iraq .
19 The increased costs of including a greater number of photographs and other illustrations in the specialist brochures may be offset in part by the fact that fewer of this type are required .
20 This had been provoked in part by uncertainty following the suspension of the IMF standby agreement of September 1988 [ see p. 36279 ] when the economy failed both the June and September 1989 tests [ for waiver of December 1988 test following hurricane see p. 36930 ] .
21 In Thru the discourses of literary theory are manipulated in part by a female voice , but active questioning of their status and function is accomplished on the level of the novel 's overall orchestration and its symbolic structure .
22 That this should be a political force is also explained in part by Qaddafi 's rhetoric of individual autonomy and the social factor .
23 The fashion for Bonington among French collectors can be explained in part by the wave of anglophilia that swept France under the Restoration .
24 This can be explained in part by the large numbers of dogs that were imported initially , but it is clear that the breed has really taken off and is now firmly established in the top ten most popular breeds in New Zealand .
25 Legal withdrawal in the recent past from regulation of personal matters such as sexuality and birth control suggests that the uneasiness about law 's role in relation to the family may be explained in part by looking at the history of the debate on law and private morality .
26 I suggested that the latter point could be explained in part by reference to the change in the social composition of the electorate which had been in progress over the '60s .
27 This shortcoming can be explained in part by the alleged deficiencies of the respective approaches ( social administrators have been criticized for their less than rigorous historical investigations ( Thane , 1992 ) whilst historians have been taken to task for their reluctance to engage in broad theoretical debate ) .
28 Organisations are often quite casual in their approach to the information created and stored on office systems and this is explained in part by their origins .
29 According to the report , the overall net downgrading can be explained in part by the increased monitoring effort of the NRA and by the hot and dry summers of 1989 and 1990 , which in many areas reduced the amount of water available to dilute the inputs of contaminating waste .
30 This is registered in part by a shift from metaphors of natural flow to metaphors of invasion ( see p.62 ) .
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