Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] a [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Families and the law Investigators : Dr R W Dingwall , J M Eekelaar , M Maclean The Centre 's work in the field of family law has developed through a series of related projects clustered around a clearly focused concern with the interests of children as members of families and as individuals and with the economic and other consequences of marriage breakdown .
2 An image on a TV screen is not continuously present , but is relayed as a series of stills , twenty-five to a second .
3 AT THE start of Yukio Ninagawa 's Suicide for Love , a geisha puppet — picked out from pitch darkness by a spotlight — is manipulated through a series of formalised attitudes .
4 At times it seemed that price increases would be favoured as a means of raising self-financing and reducing pressure on the capital market ; at others that rises would be deprecated as contributing to inflation .
5 We have a comprehensive health education policy developed as a staff through consultation with relevant agencies .
6 His career developed as a series of rapid advances .
7 Thirdly , I hope to indicate ways in which spiritual direction might be developed as a means of nurture within the church .
8 Originally developed as a means to ensure compliance with regulations , environmental auditing now has a much wider remit for many companies .
9 ‘ In Edinburgh , the course originally developed as a means of helping foreign post-graduate students — working in subjects as diverse as architecture , law , medicine , language teaching , and the physical sciences — to write clearly and logically in English .
10 Like copyright , patent law has a long history and has developed as a means of protecting innovation which has a benefit to innovator and public alike .
11 The parent company , as it now exists , was formed through a series of mergers in the late 1960s .
12 At their next meeting instructions had been given for a rendezvous .
13 At the end of last year , the FDA was persuaded that the Utah Medical Center had evolved a plastic and aluminium ‘ heart ’ ( known as the Jarvik 7 , after its designer , Dr Robert Jarvik ) which stood a chance of sustaining some kind of life , and permission was given for a series of seven experiments , employing the new toy , after which the instrument 's worth was to be reviewed .
14 This might be justified as a means of signalling the connection between drunken driving and fatal accidents .
15 Even if ( and I do not accept this at all ) neutrality could only be justified as a means to a fair contest , it should not be identified with action securing a fair contest .
16 The great expenditure on education could be justified as a means to a thoroughly acceptable common end : economic growth .
17 But this did not prevent the Dominicans from setting out that war could be justified as a means of restoring order in situations of political or social disharmony , for instance between territories ( here we see the beginnings of the idea of the territorial unit and the defence of its justifiable rights ) or between sovereign rulers and their vassals ( if the vassal chose to rebel against his lord and thus fell into a state of disobedience ) .
18 Oral hearings were justified as a means of enabling the General Assembly , as supervisory body , to obtain detailed information about conditions in the Territory .
19 The ERM is sometimes justified as a means for beating the currency speculator .
20 Adding VAT to fuel and power is justified as a means of taxing pollution , but it would have been equally effective to remove VAT from insulation materials which , after all , reduce pollution .
21 The Conservatives ' legislation to impose legal constraints on picketing , industrial action , the closed shop , the use of political funds , and so on , was justified as a means of removing impediments , both to the flexible operation of the labour market , and to the ‘ rights ’ and liberties of individual workers .
22 The batholith is exposed as a series of large bosses and minor cupolas with which the Sn-Cu-W mineralisation of South-west England is associated .
23 The sample movements are traced as a series of oscillations whose frequency is a function of the physical state of the sample .
24 The politeness principle , like the co-operative principle , may be formulated as a series of maxims which people assume are being followed in the utterances of others .
25 It was formed as an offspring of the California Institute of Technology ( correspondingly abbreviated either to CIT or Caltech ) , and has retained its university connection ever since .
26 Net earnings per share , adjusted for a 5% stock dividend paid in September 1992 , rose 40% to $0.21 .
27 Net earnings per share , adjusted for a 5% stock dividend last time paid in December 1992 , rose 16.7% to $0.14 in the quarter , 26.2% to $0.53 in the year .
28 Net earnings per share , adjusted for a 5% stock dividend paid in December 1992 , rose 25% to $0.15 .
29 Fernando , 52 , who had led the sea war against Tamil flotillas running arms supplies from India , was the highest-ranking officer to be assassinated during a series of recent assaults against senior military personnel .
30 The leopard has been listed as a species in danger of extinction since CITES was concluded in Washington 10 years ago , which is why you do not , or at least should not , see leopard skin coats and hats in London 's expensive fur shops .
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