Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Are there any features of the modern jury that can be explained only as historical survivals , which are out of place in modern society , or has the jury been so adapted that it is a truly modern institution ? ’
2 In the mean time , the Forest administration was to be carried on as usual .
3 For rule utilitarianism , in contrast , once a rule is shown to be felicific , it is established as something to be obeyed , unless perhaps in very special cases , and is not to be considered merely as one factor to be weighed against others .
4 Habituation and sensitization — often grouped together as non-associative learning — can be seen as the first steps towards full-fledged memory , and are universal properties of all organisms with nervous systems .
5 All fruits that naturally grow as trees , even if trained by gardeners into ornamental shapes , are normally grouped together as top or tree fruits .
6 Well the these exercises are erm designed so as that you will remember .
7 In a photoionization process , on the other hand , any energy from the incoming photon over and above that needed to ionize the molecule is carried away as kinetic energy of the electron ejected from the molecule ; conservation of linear momentum is generally accomplished by recoil of the ion formed .
8 Assuming she has lived in the house for her whole period of ownership and has never nominated elsewhere as main residence there is no question of a CGT liability when she sells .
9 More sinister changelings became channels for daemons which walked the land in those host bodies , twisting and melting their anatomy into devilish monstrosities with scales and horns , claws and feelers — until the possessed bodies finally fell apart , until the vestiges of corrupted mind were sucked away as spirit-meat for those parasites from outside of normality .
10 Indexing of the whole package was carried out as usual , with the classification group meeting the writers to discuss each item in turn to ensure consistency of language , and to locate mistakes and contradictions .
11 Ramey , on the other hand , is not as well caught here as usual .
12 It is modified continuously as external data is received and transformed into information .
13 COMMERCIAL air links with Libya are to be severed today as United Nations sanctions against Col Gaddafi 's refusal to hand over two men suspected of involvement in the Lockerbie bombing come into force .
14 In fact the abolition of quotas seems to have cost Brazil about $1 billion in lost revenues — though this is difficult to judge , because Brazilian production also dropped precipitously as poor weather , soil conditions and falling world prices cut output in marginal areas .
15 They made a gallant array next morning as they marched off from the Burgh Muir in great companies , cavalry and infantry , banners and standards waving , heraldic surcoats colourful , armour glinting in the early morning sunlight , trumpets blowing ; but Ramsay reminded himself that Mar 's army had looked fully as fine and had marched only to disaster .
16 ‘ Some current proposals seem designed primarily as job-creation schemes for lawyers who would oust editors from their proper task of ensuring that the Code is observed . ’
17 To manage education through a partnership requires that those who are untrained and whose views and reactions are unpredictable must be treated nevertheless as full contributors rather than as nominal collaborators .
18 One of the factors listed above as important in discourse type recognition is physical form .
19 Certainly , attempts to read the poem at a wholly symbolic level with the violence being explained away as allegorical representations of abstract moral conflicts ignore the great deal of interest the poem shows in history , particularly Spenser 's contemporary history .
20 For elders with histories of secure attachments , a diminished capacity to desire new attachments may be accepted sagely as age-appropriate — or feared and rejected as an unwelcome sign of old age and impending death .
21 The original geological maps , which will be described in more detail below , were prepared only as single-copy manuscripts , making access for researchers outside Edinburgh more difficult , and leading to an unintentional positive discrimination in favour of locally-based students .
22 Unfortunately they may also prove a hindrance if BSL is presented only as manual English , through the tutor 's adherence to English or through the other necessity of providing English syntax for deaf people one is in contact with , since ‘ it will help their English ’ .
23 They are generally operated on a fixed cycle , so that , when a known volume of water has passed through the plant , a valve is turned so as first to backwash the bed to cleanse the zeolite , and then to pass in brine for a fixed time to regenerate the material .
24 They were turned away as eight fire engines brought firefighters to tackle the blaze at St Anselm and Cecilia church in Holborn , London .
25 The news that the ill may face an inflation-busting increase for the second year running was revealed yesterday as carefree Mr Lamont continued to holiday in Italy .
26 The file is built up as each module is hard copied and holds the following information :
27 I fancy , however , in future years , and even if the proposed line should now be hung up as long as the proposed act lasts , the neighbourhood may regret that they let the matter be arranged without any criticism from the locality from which the Act takes its name , for which there is now just time .
28 It is intended that these principles are not seen purely as constrictive rules , but as a guide to promote the positive development of Scottish rock climbing to ensure that sports climbing , rather than becoming a substitute for the traditional climbing , grows alongside it .
29 In the ring the drivers and their horses must look as smart and well turned out as possible … but technique is essential too …
30 It was built originally as two cottages , and one of the most striking features of the house is that the ceiling at the front is at a different level to that at the back .
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