Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the day almost all universities were occupied or on strike , as were many hospitals .
2 It was reported that on July 8 North Korea had submitted an application ( dated July 2 ) to join the UN .
3 It is reported that on discharge from hospital on the thirty-sixth postoperative day " he appeared to have perfectly normal powers of comprehension of the spoken word " and was able to refer to the medical and nursing staff by name .
4 Foreign correspondents in Beijing also reported that on April 1 , relatives of Wang Juntao and Chen Zeming had petitioned the ongoing session of the National People 's Congress .
5 Nevertheless , it was officially reported that on Aug. 17 three Croatian police helicopters which had been dispatched to Gracac , a town near Knin where Serbs had taken over the police station and were distributing arms , had been intercepted en route by two Yugoslav air force jets and forced back to base .
6 It was reported that on Aug. 10 Moroccan officials had refused to allow the UN official in charge of the ceasefire and referendum arrangements , Johannes Manz , to enter the territory .
7 In another case , headlined as ‘ The Alleged Hooligan Tragedy ’ , a man died after a street-fight and it was reported that on arrival at hospital he had made a statement to the effect that , ‘ I got my injuries in the Borough through being kicked to death by Hooligans . ’
8 Now this , is er , also , and this is to do with the interest earned and on revenue balances .
9 Tuesday night 's opening had to be cancelled and on Wednesday night the leading lady was ill .
10 A pupil observation checklist was prepared on which originally , seating plans were included but on advice , largely concerned with difficulty of interpretation , this was removed .
11 In these states , the security forces enjoy legal immunity from prosecution for offences committed while on duty .
12 of defendants granted bail were convicted of an offence committed whilst on bail , this means that some 83 to 90 per cent .
13 Mitchell has calculated that on average in the 1760s two new towns per year appeared as the source of printed material and that this had grown to an average of seven per year in the 1790s .
14 I have noticed that on photographs the faces of women giving birth look remarkably alike .
15 Secondly , it was felt that on issues of property law differences in legal policy and approach created a chasm too large to bridge .
16 That this order was sometimes carried out is now confirmed in The Secret Hunters by Anthony Kemp ( 1986 ) , where it is revealed that on Operation Loyton , to quote one example , captured S.A.S. soldiers were shot in the locality of Moussey , between Luneville and Strasbourg .
17 It could be argued that on occasions I 've taken on things which probably I have n't done as well out of financially as I might have done if I 'd done something else .
18 You 've seen that on South Ronaldsay you know .
19 Jayni Bradbury from Healthcare Birmingham despite being injured and on crutches is still managing to sign contracts .
20 On March 5 a night-time curfew was imposed and on March 19 the country 's sole post-liberation newspaper , February 26 , was suspended after publishing articles critical of the government .
21 Often a random pattern is adopted and on observation the cleaner often can be seen to cover some parts of an area many times yet miss others .
22 Modrow 's offer was not immediately accepted but on Jan. 28 , after seven hours of talks , Modrow and opposition groups reached agreement on the formation of a government of national responsibility in which eight opposition leaders would enter the Cabinet as ministers without portfolio .
23 They 'll be used to provide emergency treatment for British troops if they 're injured while on convoy protection duty in Bosnia .
24 When botanising abroad Mark Catesby also appreciated the value of records made while on expeditions , and he drew much in the field for his Natural History of Carolina , Florida and the Bahama Islands ( 1730–47 ) .
25 The Act therefore laid down a " statement of particulars " to be included in any contract — the nature and length of the voyage , the time to be on board , the capacity in which the seaman was to serve , the amount of wages and scale of provisions to be provided and any disciplinary rules or penalties to be applied while on board — thus anticipating by 122 years the detailing of terms universally required by the Contracts of Employment Act 1972 .
26 The couple met while on holiday in Greece in 1987 and married after she joined him at his base in South Dakota .
27 Paul Turner was on his first tour of duty in Northern Ireland when he was shot while on patrol .
28 The proposal was widely criticized and on Nov. 19 a Miami District Court judge granted a temporary injunction forbidding further repatriations after an appeal from the Haitian Refugee Center in Miami .
29 On day 1 2 , 5 , 10 , 20 , 50 , and 100 ml of milk were given and on day 2 the normal milk intake appropriate for age was started .
30 Buildings occupied by the PSP and by the Shiite militia Amal were also repossessed and on July 27 Hezbollah began evacuating its largest base in Lebanon — the Sheikh Abdullah Barracks in Bekaa , 70 km east of Beirut .
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