Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , the claimant who has been successful in a case like the one in which the SCC judgement was rendered can bring an action for compensation of any additional financial damage sustained and/or for compensation for injury to feeling .
2 BASF , the German company which makes vinclozolin , said that there was no cause for concern about foods already consumed or in storage , as wide safety margins had been set .
3 If you already have a first degree , the OU offers the opportunity to take a higher degree — MKA , MBA , MSc , BPhil , MPhil or PhD — either taught or by research .
4 Can I ask would that seriously if it were limited or by virtue of the panel report having identified this problem we reported that we saw a problem if it included B eight , would that be a problem from the point of view either Harrogate or Selby if B eight was in effect , if not in the policy itself , excluded ?
5 Where a claim has been automatically referred to arbitration ( when £1,000 or less was claimed or in dispute , Ord 19 , r 2(3) ) , costs are limited to the summons costs , save by special order ( Ord 19 , r 6 ) .
6 19 Lord The Lord Ordinary having considered the Petition and proceedings , no Answers having been lodged , Nominates and Appoints to be curator bonis to designed in the Petition with the usual powers and decerns ; authorises the said after finding caution to enter on the duties of his office upon a certified copy of this interlocutor with a schedule of the curatory estate annexed thereto ; and that upon condition that before issue of a certified copy interlocutor of his appointment he shall lodge in the hands of the Accountant of Court a bond binding himself to lodge Accounts annually with the Accountant of Court and otherwise to conduct the affairs of the curatory estate in all respects in conformity with the laws and practice of Scotland ; to appear before the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland to answer for his conduct as curator aforesaid or in connection with any matter arising out of said curatory ; to submit himself to and prorogate the jurisdiction of the Court of Session for said purposes and to assign an address in Scotland where he may be cited , and decerns ( * Finds the expenses of this application and procedure following thereon to form a proper charge upon the curatory estate , and remits the account thereof , when lodged , to the Auditor of Court for taxation ) .
7 By the end of the day almost all universities were occupied or on strike , as were many hospitals .
8 It was such men who had to be galvanised into action by a pressing personal letter from the leader of the political interest to which they adhered , and , as Panmure was advised , it was ‘ getting such good friends to take a troublesome jaunt on them ’ which would ‘ save a sett of friends from being either affronted or over run ’ .
9 Chairman , if I could just er , erm , some words that are n't included in this pa paper , I understand that the Deregulation Bill is published on the eighteenth erm , and presented to Parliament for the first reading , erm , it 's still far from clear what 's going to be said in it , but erm , it 's still widely expected that in fact , on major contentious issues will in fact be the suggestion that sections of Acts of Parliament will , could be revealed by ministerial order rather than go through the parliamentary process again .
10 Yet he insists that if the arts are a necessary element in culture and if culture is essential to develop a people 's highest spiritual capacities , then it must not be forgotten that without religion no culture can exist .
11 Also , it should not be forgotten that in order for the buyer to be able to claim any additional damage at all , he must first prove that there has indeed been a breach of the warranties of title or quiet possession .
12 And Professor Bourdieu , in response , has claimed that in fact social stasis is a more prevalent phenomenon than social change in empirical reality , and that he has been thus justified in his pronounced concern over his career with the explanation of such social stasis .
13 Certain people have claimed that in group psychoanalysis and that I think is fraudulent , because they are not doing analysis they 're doing something different and erm I think it is something described I think very well in this book , although of course as we said this was written erm er group therapy .
14 On such a view , in so far as pragmatics is concerned with context , it can be claimed that by definition pragmatics is not part of competence , and thus not within the scope of grammatical descriptions .
15 I accept that you ca n't , I should of added that in respect of the decision of er September second decision
16 ‘ Soda is absolutely forbidden except with whisky , ’ the waiter said .
17 Reprinting of results , in whole or in part , is forbidden except by permission of the publisher .
18 Reprinting of results , in whole or in part , is forbidden except by permission of the publisher .
19 Resolved that in consequence of the report of the Committee last mentioned and the charges now exhibited against the said Secretary — this meeting is of the opinion that his conduct has been highly injurious to the Interests of the College and that he be immediately dismissed . ’
20 It is reported that on discharge from hospital on the thirty-sixth postoperative day " he appeared to have perfectly normal powers of comprehension of the spoken word " and was able to refer to the medical and nursing staff by name .
21 In another case , headlined as ‘ The Alleged Hooligan Tragedy ’ , a man died after a street-fight and it was reported that on arrival at hospital he had made a statement to the effect that , ‘ I got my injuries in the Borough through being kicked to death by Hooligans . ’
22 There were already signs of the difficulties ahead in May 1990 when it was reported that in order to avert a row with judges and magistrates the Home Secretary was contemplating watering down the principle that punishment should fit the crime not the criminal .
23 Until recently no one seems to have considered that in addition to filtering lymph , the fluid may also be pushed along by the lymph nodes — despite these structures being the most prominent features of the system .
24 While this is theoretically conceivable , every writer who has recently examined the problem has considered that in nature it must be a very rare event and certainly not a common factor in the evolution of animal traits .
25 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
26 By a respondent 's notice dated 25 January 1992 the defendant sought that the judgment be affirmed on the additional ground that she was a residential occupier within the meaning of section 27 of the Act of 1988 because her right to remain in occupation was controlled by the Rent Act 1977 so that she could not be evicted except by enforcement of the possession order by a bailiff executing a warrant for possession , whether or not her statutory tenancy had been terminated by the possession order .
27 In Technograph Printed Circuits Ltd. v Mills & Rockley ( Electronics ) Ltd. [ 1969 ] , a case involving a patent for a method of making printed circuits , Harman J. said : It was objected that in fact it was not until ten years after the invention was published that it was commercially adopted … and it was argued from this that it was not a case of filling a long felt want .
28 Now this , is er , also , and this is to do with the interest earned and on revenue balances .
29 It should be well located and of sound and durable construction ; it should not have too many drawbacks , and these can be wide ranging — the most obvious examples are traffic noise ( particularly from motorways or airports ) , inconsiderate neighbours , shared access , pubs and car parks , and vandalism .
30 The words in square brackets should most definitely be included and in addition to avoid a continual stream of persons demanding access to the premises , the tenant may consider it advisable to add the following proviso at the end of this clause :
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