Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] what the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not until you 've told me what the hell happened to make you trigger shy . ’
2 ‘ Locally , both the Teesside TEC voluntary sector group and managing agents in Cleveland have told me what the effects of these blinkered policies will be in the coming year .
3 And that means that from then on your life is n't your own , you do n't do what you want to do , you do what you believe God is telling you to do and you try to live by what the bible says and you pray about any important decision you make and then , when God has shown you what the right thing is to do , even when you 're going through very hard times , you know that you 're there because that 's where God wants you to be and that gives you faith to carry on .
4 His own terrible fear and anger had communicated itself to his father and shown him what the better part of valour was : keeping silent .
5 After yesterday 's show — all about problems in relationships — Jenny said : ‘ I have never told him what the pie was but now he will know and I hope he is sick . ’
6 She had told him what the cat was called .
7 Well did n't we , no we have n't told him what the fault is even though have we so
8 But I think it 's important we 've , we 've now got what what the policy was .
9 I 'd rather been hoping Lewis or Verity might have asked me what the file contained by now , and what I was doing , but — annoyingly — neither of them had .
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