Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Too often we have let ourselves be locked into a ‘ graven image ’ of ourselves , perhaps by parents and teachers .
2 He was at his best when reacting promptly and powerfully to every threat , how had he let himself be hemmed in thus by forms and processes and the operations of incompetent deputies ?
3 The same report , reversing the earlier legend excusing the Führer because he was being kept in the dark by his underlings in the Party , added : ‘ Even the Führer has lost much sympathy among the people because he has apparently let himself be taken in by his Party people and does not seem to notice what things are like in the State today . ’
4 He was a hard , cold , cynical man who had let himself be hurt by a woman .
5 Friends of the Earth 's Tropical Forest spokesman described the report as " the story of an ecological catastrophe in the making " , and added that " the government should have the courage to publish the report — after all , the British people paid for it … the government has let itself be led by the nose by the timber trade into suppressing the report for the narrow commercial advantage of those involved . "
6 In the elegant gilt mirror she caught a glimpse of her panic-stricken face , and her eyes flashed like bright , angry sapphires because she had let herself be manipulated like an ignorant country girl .
7 How could she have let herself be used by a man who held her in contempt ?
8 She 's a young girl who really has her feet planted on the ground and I do n't believe she has let herself be carried away by her success .
9 Just what had she let herself be talked into ?
10 The question circling her head as she 'd climbed aboard the BA 747 that morning was why on earth had she let herself be talked into this ?
11 ‘ You 've let y'self be hoodwinked by that knave , though the Lord knows why !
12 Even then she might have decided not to answer him , or she could have let it be seen by accident before knowing what it was .
13 Much more important , the interior ministry has let it be known that it is dropping its draconian controls on the use of photocopying machines .
14 Sir Alan has in the past written about his deep misgivings over intervention and has recently let it be known in the City that he believes the economy is at last showing signs of pronounced slowdown , a view not fully shared by the Treasury .
15 The Bolsheviks had let it be known that they wished to end their war with Germany , and after The Revolution in October 1917 , in Russia , the Bolsheviks were able to seize power and , in December 1917 , they signed an alliance with Germany .
16 In fact there was nothing ‘ reasonable ’ about it , and Bismarck knew this , for at the first whisper of Leopold 's appearance on the scene the French Ambassador had , officially , let it be known to Berlin that this candidacy would never be accepted by Napoleon III .
17 ‘ Prof. Francis ’ was tolerated because he was so amiable ; he had let it be known that he had taught piano in an unnamed music conservatory somewhere , hence the professorship .
18 He would also have known that Palmerston , having let it be known that he had asked Scott to submit a new design , was very unlikely to change his mind , and it was perhaps to give the appearance of some purpose to the delegation that he and Tite made their request for another competition .
19 Mr Major has let it be known privately that the chancellor will not be moved in the New Year reshuffle .
20 By a chance remark in passing in the Sierra hotel bar where the foreigners were billeted , a remark in the hearing of a senior Iraqi scientist , the Swede had let it be known that he found the missile programme tedious , that he really needed more challenging work .
21 The 32 members of the Moores family who still own 100% of Littlewoods , have let it be known that the sale has begun ; the biggest part of the Littlewoods Organisation — mail order catalogues — is on the market , with a reputed price tag in excess ( probably well in excess ) of £350 million .
22 In fact , said Mr Liley , some companies in the field had tried this , but the customers had let it be known that this was not what was wanted .
23 Alia had also let it be known that Albania intended to take part in the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) , from which it alone had stood aside until now .
24 The government had let it be known on Sept. 30 that it would not now call a general election in 1991 .
25 As the recession deepened [ see below ] , the Hawke government began 1991 some 18 percentage points behind the opposition in opinion polls , raising questions concerning Hawke 's future as leader , particularly as Keating had let it be known at a National Press Club dinner in December that he believed he would make a better Prime Minister than Hawke .
26 He had let it be known that he would resign as faction leader and as a member of the Diet if he was publicly prosecuted in connection with the Sagawa Kyubin scandal .
27 Prior to the meeting , Prime Minister John Major had let it be known that he would try to persuade his fellow leaders to attend the UNCED " Earth Summit " conference to be held in Brazil next June , but this was not mentioned in the conference communiqué .
28 John Major too has let it be known he believes President Clinton 's foreign policy to be virtually indistinguishable from that of George Bush .
29 From the collection as a whole there emerges above all a Modigliani who was a most able draughtsman , a Modigliani much maligned by the critics who have unfortunately let themselves be led astray by legends rather than concentrating on the work .
30 I had lied , and I had let myself be used by evil .
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