Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] be time " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , I 've decided it 's time for one of my all too infrequent trips to Elland Road .
2 50 chicks and ducklings have decided it 's time to make an impression on the world .
3 He just decided it was time before the country had decided it was time .
4 Lachlan Watt had been about to leave Hamish and Antonia 's party when Fergus had fallen over and Fiona had decided it was time to take her husband home ; she had offered Lachy a lift back to his brother 's house , but when they 'd got there Fergus had seemed fast asleep , snoring loudly and taking no apparent notice of Fiona shaking him and shouting at him ; Lachy had volunteered to come back to the castle to help get Fergus out of the car and upstairs to bed ; Fiona would run Lachy back afterwards .
5 There is a story , apocryphal no doubt , told by his friends that Bernard , having decided it was time for another move , walked into the offices of a prestigious estate agents one Saturday to see what was available .
6 The dog lobby had clearly felt it was time to take action .
7 The Prime Minister has said it is time for profound look at the future of Europe following the narrow , ’ Yes ’ vote in the French referendum on the Maastricht Treaty and the current sterling crisis .
8 Now as promised it 's time to zig zag to the onion bag … what is this man talking about … it 's football speak from Cambridge manager John Beck whose team play Swindon tomorrow … it 's the order he gives to his strikers before a game … zig zag … well that means running … weaving with the ball … the onion bag is the goal net of course … so here we go with this week 's football roundup
9 If your exercise programme has lapsed it is time you reinstated it on a regular basis .
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