Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 His ability to deliver the C2 blue-collar , Essex-man vote has , arguably , won them the last two general elections .
2 I remembered Sopworth saying how the cat had no sense of territory , how he 'd only just caught it the first time it escaped , racing north along the A2 .
3 have n't seen him , it 's Dr I think that 's attended me the last time .
4 ‘ You might n't have thought so if you 'd seen them the next day , ’ said Toby .
5 … commanded his armie to halt , and himselfe went alone to the toppe where , having sighted the Mar del Sur , he knelt down and raising his hands to Heaven , pouring forth mighty praises to God for His great grace in having made him the first man to discover and sight it .
6 Please note that you do not have to open the rings to put these markers over , though you should after you 've done it the first time , erm , it should become easier with practice , let me put it that way , okay .
7 if I 'd have fed it the first time I 'd have understood it , but I 've only fed it today !
8 I have asked no one else , I have given you the first opportunity of owning these things . ’
9 You 'd travel down to the game on a Saturday , and if you met a Leeds fan at the train station , you could be sure that they were the best mate he 'd ever had , and they 'd tell you all the latest gossip that he 'd told them the last time they were out for a few pints .
10 So they do n't frighten them , you know , if you 're lying there you 're having a heart attack or you just had one the last thing you want to hear is sort of the noise of the siren , the panicking noise of a siren .
11 Hell , he could n't even ask , having told her the next time she would have to take the initiative , but if she did n't take it soon he was going to go out of his mind !
12 The wags dubbed it the second Tamworth Manifesto .
13 It is most unlikely that without the reformulation a hearer would have even understood what the first segment was about .
14 It was only when they came out of the rearmost door and found a temporary hut facing them with Radio Room marked on the door , that they realised why they had n't found it the first time .
15 Should have realised it the first time , but that 's what happens when you make assumptions .
16 He had heard it the first time as a child , in his grandfather 's yurt on the Khirgiz , and going to Burun 's quarters had found him awake also .
17 they , they should of done , but they did n't , the point is they should n't of left it the last minute , they should of done it in the first place
18 She had n't rejected him the first time , though , just evaded a decision , wanting him to strengthen it somehow .
19 After Fox 's most successful three-day launch , the best ever non-summer debut , Mr Sherak said : ‘ We have doubled what the first movie earned two years ago .
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