Example sentences of "[vb pp] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am interested to note that they have not unscrewed the fingerplates from his doors .
2 Before speaking to her he has pondered the question of committing suicide to absolve himself from the responsibility of avenging his father ; and Ophelia 's behaviour only emphasises the apparent pointlessness of trying to oppose Claudius , who could easily destroy him .
3 And if Davie 's principles make him what some might call ‘ elitist ’ or ‘ undemocratic ’ , as in his stinging verdicts on ‘ catchpenny enterprises … like the Arvon Poetry Competitions ’ , it is not without his having pondered the arguments about the place and function of elites and of high art in a democratic nation far more deeply than the bulk of his fellow countrymen .
4 A bridal cap of gold would be placed on her head , its intricately woven strands of gold dripping down her back as though the weaver had spilled the threads of his loom .
5 The watchful French gunners behind Bois Bourrus soon pin-pointed the train by the tell-tale smoke from its engine , and it was forced to retire , a little ignominiously .
6 To my brother and me had fallen the task of disentangling our parents ' possessions from the original contents of the house .
7 The Cotswold-stone shop sells bears vintage ( £2,500 ) and everyday ( £10 ) , and owner Ian Pout has trawled the world for the top teddies .
8 Hoomey had not foreseen the consequences of the new decision .
9 The opposition of Scipio Nasica to the destruction of Carthage figures so prominently in this account by Diodorus — and therefore by Posidonius — because he was thought to have foreseen the possibility of civil war in Rome if Carthage were to be eliminated : " but once the rival city was destroyed , it was only too evident that there would be civil war at home and that hatred for the governing power would spring up among all the allies because of the rapacity and lawlessness to which the Roman magistrates would subject them " ( 34.33.5 transl .
10 Negotiations on free trade were also initiated with Yugoslavia , even though the 1983 EFTA-Yugoslavia joint declaration had not specifically foreseen the possibility of a free trade area .
11 It was held that the defendants were liable because they ought to have foreseen the possibility of the chemical coming into contact with water and they had not warned the buyers of this danger .
12 And all the smouldering volcanic lava of past England-Pakistan cricket argument and controversy was reignited in those few flashpoint moments , consuming the polite arms-length relations set up by those who had foreseen the dangers from the start of the tour .
13 If I could have foreseen the progress of events over the next two years I would probably have stood up and run directly back to Boulogne .
14 Neither could have foreseen the circumstances under which it would take place .
15 ‘ Like all provincial towns , it will lose its individuality , ’ said Hardy when presented with the Freedom of the Borough in 1910 , but he could not have foreseen the demise of the small local shops so intrinsic to the town 's character , or the threat of a huge new shopping centre .
16 It should be said that the forecast figures have probably turned out to be slightly high , particularly for 1991 , since it seems unlikely that the US Department of Commerce would have foreseen the downturn in the global economy which is now biting so hard in all industries .
17 All these were heresies from a Marxist standpoint but then Marx had not foreseen the coming of nuclear war .
18 Though she had foreseen the need for such a private moment Louisa would certainly not have chosen it to occur so quickly .
19 Although at the time of his discovery Priestley could not have foreseen the use of oxygen in aeronautics as Vital Air for the aeronauts to breathe when the atmosphere became too thin , such use was suggested as early as 1784 .
20 It would have required an enormously creative imagination to have foreseen the kinds of jobs that the children and grandchildren of those farmworkers would now be engaged in .
21 None had foreseen the assumption of absolute power by one of their own number .
22 Lord Diplock went on to say that the principle applies even though there is reason to think that if Parliament had foreseen the situation before the court it would have modified the words it used .
23 However local and limited the awareness to which the words testify , I have identified a spontaneous reaction to which , since it is provisionally approved by ‘ Be aware ’ , it is rational to seek means as an end good in itself ; if you disagree , the burden of proof has shifted to you , to make me aware of something overlooked which will redirect my response .
24 As the labour market tightened , faster product wage growth limited the expansion of the backward sector , and thereby ensured an elastic labour supply for the dynamic modern sectors .
25 This climate severely limited the ability of opposition groups to mobilize within the existing vertical structure , although they did have some success in getting their candidates elected as workplace representatives and as members of the company council .
26 In household pets whose exercise is limited the presence of the tracheal nodules is well tolerated , and animals can survive for long periods with little distress .
27 Yet in a time of " unprecedented inflation , unprecedented wage demands and an unprecedented number of strikes " ' , most groups can be considered as having limited the fall in real earnings rather than as having maintained , let alone increased them .
28 The return to the gold standard , which implied maintaining the £/; $ parity , severely limited the range of options for dealing with unemployment because significant monetary expansion would have undermined the balance of payments and would therefore be inconsistent with the fixed parity .
29 He had severely limited the scope of his autobiography : ‘ I depict not what I was but what I see when I look back ’ , he told Eleanor Farjeon .
30 Blackpool had been experimenting with extensive rebuilding of the Marton and Motherwell cars , but the confines of Blundell Street Depot limited the scope of such activities .
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