Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] her for " in BNC.

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1 But you are going to be sorry to see that one go because you 've looked after her for so long .
2 Nobody had looked after her for years , he had been quite right about that .
3 I have sat with her for hours spooning broth into her and a tedious business it is to make sure any of it goes down .
4 I think that often people did n't realise how tired and desperate they were until they 'd sat with her for a while .
5 Dierdriu had looked at her for a long moment .
6 He came from Cambridge , and I have n't heard of her for a number of years .
7 Those fantasies that had protected her from real life , that beautiful , unpolluted world of the Lock with its seals and its childhood memories of her father and that other glossy , television world that she imagined people like Simon inhabited , had been ruined for her for ever .
8 ACTRESS Jean Marsh is not flattered by a description of the rose she had named after her for her role as the maid , Rose , in Upstairs Downstairs .
9 Iskandara had felt behind her for a chair back and now stood gripping it , her free hand clenched about the head of her stick .
10 Signora ! ’ as a ripe fruit or some trinket or other was thrust before her for her inspection .
11 Faye broke out rebelliously , with a negativity that Belinda had not seen in her for months .
12 On coming upstairs , he had turned to her for comfort , desperate to make love , needing to feel the growing swell of her body that was his own flesh and blood and , as always , he was moved to tears by it .
13 Neither was she too happy about the epithet ‘ min skat ’ , which he 'd applied to her for the second time that day .
14 she ca n't write now , I have n't written to her for weeks
15 I 've done without her for two months now . ’
16 Aquino 's economic cutbacks , imposed on her for all the right reasons , have caused considerable suffering .
17 She had curled up in the deep old window seat , the velvet coverlet from the bed wrapped about her for warmth , and had drifted in and out of an uneasy sleep .
18 I have hardly thought of her for at least a week ; I am free of the little stabs of pain and the scudding dark clouds which had a habit of appearing from nowhere , uninvited and unexpected .
19 Edward had watched over her for hours , even refusing to go down to the lock with his friends for days , though he loved to play there .
20 Such contact had for her possessed beauty , and he had shaken hands with her upon it ; he had not yelled at her for what she had not given .
21 Of course , it was a shame about that incident when she assaulted the headmaster , but he should n't really have laughed at her for being the only child there who does n't take drugs .
22 People had actually laughed at her for asking for a chemistry set instead of a Barbie doll or a set of Nancy Drew books .
23 Yet Mrs Thatcher 's unassailable , inaccessible image was explicitly fashioned by her for the media .
24 Still half asleep he smiled indulgently , scenting a victory , since he had wanted to be generous all day and had been feeling mildly irritated with her for not giving him the opportunity .
25 An order had been placed with her for ‘ Charlie ’ — a code word for cocaine — in a call made through the main Palace switchboard .
26 Snappy bounded after her for a few yards , then scampered away to follow his mistress .
27 Shall I get rid of her for you ? ’
28 It was all right for Piers : he had played with her for the hell of it , while making no bones about telling her that she was little more than a convenient body .
29 When Tallis rode up this narrow track she sent stones tumbling to the glittering water below her , and at a certain height she stopped to listen to the sound , recognizing it from a time in childhood , from a time when she had summoned images of another world , and Harry had called to her for help .
30 Another tangled virgin called on her for help against a dragon , called on her though she had thought that her time was past and the dragons had all departed .
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