Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] him [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So he 'll phone her and she 'll say and I 'm still sat behind him rabbit , rabbit , rabbit , moan , moan , moan you see .
2 What were you took to him Joyce were it the video or television ?
3 Have you heard of him dad ? dad ?
4 ‘ I had done with him years ago . ’
5 He reported visions in which God had revealed to him Cromwell 's lust for power and his impending ruin .
6 Alone in Aberdeen she 'd thought about him night and day , had longed with all her heart to be in his arms just once more , had cried herself to sleep night after night only to have her dreams filled with visions of him .
7 De Quincey reported that these endless processions produced in him feelings of deep melancholy and gloom .
8 Omens and prodigies abound in his work , so that compared with him Herodotus seems almost modern .
9 General de Castelnau , Joffre 's right-hand man and chief of staff , extracted from him permission to move General Henri Pètain 's Second Army to join the Third at Verdun , with Petain in command of the entire sector 's defence .
10 The Gondoliers likewise provides a bonus — the best of all Sullivan 's orchestral pieces , called by him Overtura di Ballo ( though here , as usual , the bogus-Italian overtura has taken on its conventional form ) .
11 Miller 's Vinca rosea ( now Catharanthus roseus ) had been brought forward : ‘ as this plant is a great novelty in Europe … the Figure of the Plant has not yet been seen by any living person ’ and of Gardenia capense , called by him Jasminium , he wrote , ‘ Could we have procured a good drawing in proper time it would have been in its proper place , but as this is so curious and being an undescribed plant , we hope our purchasers will not be displeased with insertion here . ’
12 Appropriately the imminent passage of the emancipation legislation at the end of Wilberforce 's life provoked in him feelings so strong that he wrote ‘ I have not time to open the Stopper of ye jar that hardly prevents the bursting forth of my [ joyful ? ] feelings abt .
13 In a negligence suit brought against him Mr Hill wanted to sue his employer to indemnify him for the damages he had to pay out to Mr Gregory .
14 Dan Sandford had met us at the railway station in Addis Ababa and had brought with him Omar , our prospective headman , to clear our baggage through customs and deal with the other formalities .
15 Jackson , the estate agent , met Barratt on one of his visits having brought with him Michael Knott who was now desirous of talking business with John Taylor when he was next up .
16 He wore his one good suit , grey with a white chalk stripe , and he had brought with him Lyn 's birthday present in an unwieldy brown paper parcel .
17 When she was seated beside him Daniel 's discomfort was noticeable .
18 to make the enforcement of any remedy subject to a restrictive condition ( e.g. ‘ Seller accepts no liability unless the goods are first returned to him carriage paid ’ ) .
19 He sent her a copy of Madame Bovary ( she thanked him , pronounced the novel ‘ hideous ’ , and quoted at him Philip James Bailey , author of Festus , on the writer 's duty to give moral instruction to the reader ) ; and forty years after that first meeting in Trouville she came to visit him at Croisset .
20 Researched and compiled by Alan Webb and published by him care of the Mosquito Aircraft Museum , At First Sight is a magnificent and original unit history , based entirely upon accounts written by former 627 Squadron members .
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