Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the few " in BNC.

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1 Normally , little jumble could be expected from the few cottages on the headland , but Alex Mair , anxious to associate the power station with the community , had put up a notice on the staff board and the two tea chests were usually fairly full by the time the October sale came round .
2 In the World , marioc is a luxury enjoyed by the few .
3 Beeney was well positioned for the few shots he had to take .
4 ‘ We fast for them on their feast days ’ , Augustine had said of the few remaining pagans , ‘ so that they themselves might become the spectacle ’ .
5 Some tests were also made with the few boxes of plants available at this time .
6 In all her short life Sally-Anne had never before encountered the squalor which she had seen in the few days since she had arrived in these poor streets in the hinterland between London Docks and Stepney .
7 This contraction was most severely felt by the few employees in the smaller workshops .
8 I hung about further down the street , hoping not to be seen by the few people who were strolling there .
9 If the spontaneous origin of life turned out to be a probable enough event to have occurred during the few man-decades in which chemists have done their experiments , then life should have arisen many times on Earth , and many times on planets within radio range of Earth .
10 But the pathway to discovery was established and the scale on which resources were expended to make these discoveries represents a fantastic extravagance when it is compared with the few thousands of pounds available to Florey and his colleagues , and even with the subsequent development of the original penicillins in the United States .
11 Depression and a diminution in self care were noted in the few cases identified in the Kent Community Care project ( Davies and Challis , 1986 ) .
12 Molly spoke with quiet confidence as though she had become in the few hours since their arrival the owner of ‘ La Felicità ’ and the organizer of life in the house .
13 Her lovely face came before his eyes and he thought how beautifully she had played on the few occasions she had come down here with him .
14 Another way of making the point is that higher education traditionally formed a culture of the written word , albeit a kind of literacy which embodied a restricted code , understood by the few .
15 Others would be borne by the few feminists and freaks who preferred girls , for the whole thing would be voluntary ; no compulsion would be needed ; PopCon 's research had been thorough .
16 Kislev was already defended by the few remaining Kislevites and a large Dwarf army which had marched northwards once the fall of Praag became known in Karaz a Karak .
17 But now there was only one thing left for him to do , and that he did , before the shock of Glendower 's assault sheared deep into his ranks , hardly slowed by the few casualties caused by the English archers .
18 The first group of paintings in which this new development is clearly visible are the canvases executed during the few weeks spent at La Rue-des-Bois in the autumn and in Paris during the succeeding months .
19 In a political and administrative system as riddled with tradition as the British , the old model could , and probably will , be restored in the few minutes it takes a new prime minister to travel from Buckingham Palace to Downing Street .
20 There also seem to have been considerable baseline imbalances in the trial reported by Kinmond and colleagues , judged on the few characteristics described in table I , and so the same concerns must apply .
21 Even when they are provided for it usually amounts to their being dumped on the few professionals from black and ethnic groups .
22 The interest is simply focused on the few individuals who commit several serious atrocities .
23 Police intervention provoked allegations of brutality , but media coverage focused on the few police injuries , underemphasised the extent of police aggression and exaggerated the women 's part in the violence .
24 Growth from 1851 to 1911 was concentrated on the few urban industrial regions in which an increasing proportion of the population lived ; these experienced both net immigration and natural increase .
25 Its success is almost invariably limited to the few cases where free advice enables a businessman to make immediate cost savings .
26 And despite their higher incomes , they rarely become rich because their activities are limited to the few months during the year when the climate is favourable for construction work .
27 Similarly , in 3 the time span which is indicated by " now " is limited to the few seconds immediately following the utterance , whereas in 4 the reference of " now " extends well before and after the time of utterance .
28 But the city that goes down , the civilization ‘ run by the few ’ which ‘ fell to the many ’ , is not Ilium but Richmond or Montgomery or Atlanta , any one of the cities of the Confederacy finally sacked by Grant or Sheridan or the specially hated Sherman , generals of the victorious Yankee North .
29 This is supported by the few studies specifically of rural areas ; Moseley and Townroe ( 1973 ) found that immigrant firms in East Anglia retained most of their original linkages outside the region , and Hodge and Whitby ( 1979 ) , in a study of the eastern Scottish Borders , found that few in-migrant firms had important local linkages .
30 Her world had shrunk to the few things which still had interest for her .
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