Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 we had to pull forward it 's not due so we 've got er so we 've given them three days to You see when we worked out the numbers for the we were given all the , the allowances , the rates et cetera , et cetera , we worked the forecast through and seen huge amounts of time given for which the assumption is that it 's all done by hand , the job these cranes so the resources how much money had been spent .
2 S/L Paul Millikin was pressed for what the future held for the aircraft , to one question he replied ‘ I do n't know if there is talk from Whitehall … nobody tells me anything ! ’
3 There may be much to be considered of which the project manager is not initially aware .
4 It will frequently be convenient for provisions to be included under which the acquirer will deal with normal repairs and replacements under warranty claims with an agreed method of charging the offeree : product and other liability resulting from products sold prior to completion will normally remain with the offeree .
5 Five double stranded DNA fragments with four base long 5'-protruding ends were designed in which the GGGCCC and the AAAAA motifs were separated by varying number of nucleotides ( Fig. 5 ) .
6 Experimental work has been reported in which the administration of low fat diets or diets with low essential fatty acid content have an immunomodulatory effect in animal models .
7 A hydraulic representation of his system dominated in which the historical evolution and context of Keynes 's ideas could find no place .
8 Exposure — Bodily injury includes exposure resulting from misfortune by any aircraft or other conveyance where travel is permitted in which the Insured Person is travelling .
9 ‘ Might there not be a case for putting the initial interview in the hands of an educational psychologist skilled in eliciting a history without being committed to what the social workers revealingly call ‘ disclosure ’ ? ' , he suggested .
10 Added to which the Reichsführer and Admiral Canaris do not always see eye to eye .
11 But these descriptions should be confined to what the heroine sees after her adventure had begun , and in them you want to aim for reality without its customary tackiness .
12 Resigned to whatever the next game would be , she followed him , fighting her instinctive trust of the man whose face she had n't yet seen .
13 We may indeed find the great house still standing tidily in a timbered park : but it is occupied by what the villagers describe detachedly as ‘ the atom men ’ , something remote from the rest of us , though not remote in the sense they themselves like to think .
14 who can not be beguiled by what the world of desire can offer .
15 It is understandable that the public , disillusioned by what the system produces , find it easy to blame the producers .
16 Once TOPIC and SEAQ screens had been introduced into a firm , the dealer could check what approximate price he ought to be getting , to be varied by what the firm took off or added to quote its price " net " of commission .
17 That will eventually be superseded by what the company is positioning as an open , enterprise-wide repository embracing not only the Informix database , but its Hewlett-Packard Co-derived ToolBus Open CASE environment and 4GL products .
18 Therefore , in campaigns a party attempts less to attract these voters than to ensure that they are not repelled by what the party advocates .
19 The implication is that sovereignty is not worth having , since we are totally constrained by what the Germans do anyway .
20 In a game the rules are socially constructed beforehand ; in creative drama they are negotiated , but this negotiation is often constrained by whatever the ‘ rules ’ happen to be in the slice of life the creative drama is reflecting .
21 ‘ I was devastated by what the letter said because I never , never used steroids .
22 It is not a condition that the third State be specified by name provided it is clear from the context or surrounding circumstances what State is intended , or that a group or class of States is intended of which the claiming State is a member .
23 Nothing more was said about what the scope of review for administrative institutions and inferior courts actually was and no dichotomy was drawn between them .
24 In contrast to a conventional revolutionary , Jesus must be seen as what the Gospels themselves acknowledge him to be — a claimant to the throne of David , a rightful king , whose sceptre , like David 's , implied both spiritual and temporal sovereignty .
25 Circular temples were also built of which the Pantheon is the best known representative ( 122–124 ) .
26 They were deluged with what the French call le corbeau , poison-pen letters accusing neighbours , business competitors and colleagues of everything from listening to the BBC to being an active resistant ( of whom there were , in fact , very few indeed until the eve of the Liberation ) .
27 " suggested that arrangements should be made under which the Technical School should work in co-operation with the Grammar School .
28 If you are to succeed as Chairman you must be well versed in what the committee 's task is supposed to be .
29 Since this internegative was at the same stage as Yuricich 's dupe , two generations of film had been skipped to produce a higher quality shot in which the join is much harder to detect .
30 Textbooks on macroeconomics are written in which the assumption of full employment is taken as the starting-point .
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