Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 She d heard about the People 's Palace , a museum concerned with Glasgow and its past , and promised herself she 'd pay it a visit in the near future .
2 Outside , a depressed circular stone was filled for the sheep dipping .
3 Then came thunder out of the east as rank after rank of tanks came roaring past , plunged through the infantry and turned north for the kill .
4 Families and the law Investigators : Dr R W Dingwall , J M Eekelaar , M Maclean The Centre 's work in the field of family law has developed through a series of related projects clustered around a clearly focused concern with the interests of children as members of families and as individuals and with the economic and other consequences of marriage breakdown .
5 An image on a TV screen is not continuously present , but is relayed as a series of stills , twenty-five to a second .
6 Lifestyle studies like these are usually the source of the acronyms such as ‘ yuppies ’ , ‘ dinkies ’ , ‘ glams ’ , etc. , that have been enthusiastically bandied about the media in recent years .
7 AT THE start of Yukio Ninagawa 's Suicide for Love , a geisha puppet — picked out from pitch darkness by a spotlight — is manipulated through a series of formalised attitudes .
8 At times it seemed that price increases would be favoured as a means of raising self-financing and reducing pressure on the capital market ; at others that rises would be deprecated as contributing to inflation .
9 With the aid of friendly Maoris , rough shelters were erected for the people and their belongings .
10 Traditionally , men have communicated through the media on behalf of all humankind , influencing public opinion , and bringing about political , economic and social change from their point of view .
11 We have a comprehensive health education policy developed as a staff through consultation with relevant agencies .
12 His career developed as a series of rapid advances .
13 Thirdly , I hope to indicate ways in which spiritual direction might be developed as a means of nurture within the church .
14 Originally developed as a means to ensure compliance with regulations , environmental auditing now has a much wider remit for many companies .
15 ‘ In Edinburgh , the course originally developed as a means of helping foreign post-graduate students — working in subjects as diverse as architecture , law , medicine , language teaching , and the physical sciences — to write clearly and logically in English .
16 Like copyright , patent law has a long history and has developed as a means of protecting innovation which has a benefit to innovator and public alike .
17 The parent company , as it now exists , was formed through a series of mergers in the late 1960s .
18 The Court said that Savory Milln may have felt some anxiety and even suspicion as to how Mr Ferriday had arranged for the £13.5m to be paid on his behalf , but it was going too far to say that any honest and reasonable man would have inferred that Mr Ferriday had misappropriated Eagle 's money in gross breach of his duty as a director or that any honest and reasonable man would not have applied the money , as Savory Milln did , in discharge of sub-underwriting liabilities until he had been satisfied that the monies were properly paid .
19 At their next meeting instructions had been given for a rendezvous .
20 At the end of last year , the FDA was persuaded that the Utah Medical Center had evolved a plastic and aluminium ‘ heart ’ ( known as the Jarvik 7 , after its designer , Dr Robert Jarvik ) which stood a chance of sustaining some kind of life , and permission was given for a series of seven experiments , employing the new toy , after which the instrument 's worth was to be reviewed .
21 Romulus and Remus were revered as the pair from whom the foundation of Rome derived .
22 This might be justified as a means of signalling the connection between drunken driving and fatal accidents .
23 Even if ( and I do not accept this at all ) neutrality could only be justified as a means to a fair contest , it should not be identified with action securing a fair contest .
24 The great expenditure on education could be justified as a means to a thoroughly acceptable common end : economic growth .
25 But this did not prevent the Dominicans from setting out that war could be justified as a means of restoring order in situations of political or social disharmony , for instance between territories ( here we see the beginnings of the idea of the territorial unit and the defence of its justifiable rights ) or between sovereign rulers and their vassals ( if the vassal chose to rebel against his lord and thus fell into a state of disobedience ) .
26 Oral hearings were justified as a means of enabling the General Assembly , as supervisory body , to obtain detailed information about conditions in the Territory .
27 The ERM is sometimes justified as a means for beating the currency speculator .
28 Adding VAT to fuel and power is justified as a means of taxing pollution , but it would have been equally effective to remove VAT from insulation materials which , after all , reduce pollution .
29 The Conservatives ' legislation to impose legal constraints on picketing , industrial action , the closed shop , the use of political funds , and so on , was justified as a means of removing impediments , both to the flexible operation of the labour market , and to the ‘ rights ’ and liberties of individual workers .
30 The batholith is exposed as a series of large bosses and minor cupolas with which the Sn-Cu-W mineralisation of South-west England is associated .
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