Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She could no doubt be taught to sew or clean things .
2 Mr Coates 's replacement , Jonathan Davie , thinks that , in Britain , the firm is well placed to benefit if share-trading volumes continue at the pace of the first quarter of this year .
3 She felt constrained to sit and light-headed when she rose and crossed the long boards to fold back the shutters and open the windows wide .
4 That they ask you specific questions of that naming it 's a multi-choice more importantly in your written answers you will have to in , you are expected to include and correct systematic ohms for any organics that you deal with .
5 The reason why many ethologists would now prefer to explain ritualization as an arms race is that they have increasingly come to realize that selfish competition among individuals is the rule in the animal world .
6 Sun , which reckons its US distribution is thin , is expected to strike first at SCO which is deemed over-distributed and stagnant .
7 A couple of paragraphs of lay anthropology were added to suggest that black people in Africa had accomplished ‘ virtually nothing ’ before ‘ the White Man came ’ .
8 This market can be expected to grow since increased leisure time and rising disposable incomes are likely to.lead to an increased take up of leisure activities .
9 Its softly rounded and gently coloured contours , dotted with lush trees and russet houses , set comfortably into the landscape like plump and cosy chickens , were in strong contrast to coastal Northumberland which so often looked scoured and rough .
10 ‘ I suppose he 's got flu now and I 'm expected to manage as usual with only half of you here .
11 Attempts have been made to control parasitic bronchitis by grazing systems designed to ensure that young susceptible cattle are not exposed to large numbers of infective larvae .
12 So , those who support the Public Service Ideal advocate specific mechanisms designed to ensure that political coverage is wide-ranging , balanced , and impartial , as well as being independent of the state .
13 The President of Fiji , Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau , formally promulgated a new Constitution on July 25 , which was designed to ensure that political power remained in the hands of the country 's ethnic Melanesian population .
14 He thought , not for the first time , that a system which required ministers to run their departments , fulfil their parliamentary responsibilities , and spend the weekend listening to the grievances of their constituents , might have been designed to ensure that major decisions were made by men and women tired to the point of exhaustion .
15 It involves close cooperation between central and local authorities and is designed to ensure that large scale developments bring the greatest possible benefit to the areas in which they are sited through , for example , the use of local labour and materials .
16 On waste , the government intends to introduce a system of credits designed to ensure that local authorities get on target to meet the goal of 25 per cent recycling of household waste by 2000 .
17 The diversity of museum collections in general requires that these practices be sufficiently flexible to accommodate the unusual object or set of circumstances , and yet sufficiently disciplined to ensure that realistic standards can be established and maintained .
18 They have been involved in various forms of community action designed to protect and regenerate community life and to tackle the social , economic and cultural problems common to both communities — Catholic and Protestant .
19 Complete refurbishment has added airconditioning and modern , fresh furnishings .
20 By the time Durkheim came to write Two Laws of Penal Evolu-tion , he had modified his theory about the decline in importance of the conscience collective ( a phrase he ceased to use ) and had come to believe that collective sentiments were a crucial factor in any society .
21 Although most educated men were predisposed to believe that white-skinned , richly clothed Europeans like themselves must belong to a species altogether different from that of the dark-skinned , naked savages described by the traveller-ethnographers , there was the awkward fact that the book of Genesis declares that the whole of mankind is descended from Noah .
22 Our studies were designed to determine whether transient UOS relaxations occur during gastro-oesophageal reflux .
23 A total of 79,498,240 ballots were cast , of which 1,716,757 ( 2.16 per cent ) were deemed spoilt or invalid and 1,525,410 ( 1.92 per cent ) were not counted because the names of all six candidates had been crossed out .
24 Underlying inflation , now around the 3.7% mark , is expected to slow but due to the devaluation of the pound UK exports should pick up dramatically because the price of British goods will be much cheaper abroad .
25 I think I 've come to realise that Western dress is shallow .
26 Others , less directly committed to change or worried as to how their institutions would cope with its demands , would , nevertheless , have been finding it increasingly difficult to regard school mathematics as fixed and unchangeable . [ … ]
27 All four of the properties described above make it less likely that central banks would ever have to defend parities that the markets had come to regard as indefensible .
28 We 've come to stay as long as you like really , up to a week .
29 The study compared what each type of creditor — holders of debt , preference shares and equity — would have expected to get if strict legal priority had been applied with what they actually got .
30 The present study was designed to test whether massive ( 90% ) PSBR would remove sufficient enteroendocrine cells to prevent the hypercholecystokininaemia of lesser enterectomies and , if not , whether the CCK receptor antagonist CR-1409 would blunt the adaptive response of the pancreas .
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