Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] him a " in BNC.

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1 The club was expected to give him a run next week in one of two friendlies against non-League opposition , but last night coach Eddie May said : ‘ He is a good lad but is just a non-starter now .
2 His two Cabinet portfolios , which would make him the most powerful member of the government after the Prime Minister , were expected to give him a key role in the formulation of the country 's overall foreign policy .
3 John 's slight built made him a tantalising opponent , but he had scorching pace and neat control , while also possessing the ability to cut inside and shoot powerfully for goal himself , so that he could always be relied upon to contribute several useful goals each season .
4 But Estabrook had grown to trust him a little , even so .
5 Despite these minor domestic headaches , it was decided to give him a special birthday treat of a guided tour of the Chubb Factory to decide exactly how all those interesting little gadgets actually work and no doubt to take away a few tips as well .
6 ‘ A bit old , though , ’ Wayne ventured again , and Pete slowly turned to give him a stony look .
7 The defendants wrote to him and told him that they had decided to pay him a pension of £200 a year and that he was at liberty to enter into any other employment or enter any business , ‘ except in the wool trade . ’
8 It seemed the letter writer had decided to pay him a visit .
9 Of course he had got to know him a good deal better at Ecalpemos …
10 Well that , it speak the truth they were given to me by June , who 's very into that sort of thing and prescribed them for Simon and in fact has had to give him a few more now because he 's had his driving test cancelled .
11 ‘ His best club position is centre or full-back and I have agreed to give him a shot at fullback to see how he goes .
12 Shortly afterwards he left the licensed dealer which then tried unsuccessfully to get him sacked from the stockbroker he had persuaded to give him a job .
13 The railway have promised to give him a special party during the weekend of October 26 and 27 and he looks forward to seeing as many of this young friends as possible at that event .
14 Matthew , standing in for his friend , had promised to give him a full and complete report .
15 You 've just got to keep him a wee bit down .
16 Still , she had promised to send him a postcard and the wording of that would need careful consideration .
17 But the special procedure under which trusts are enforced gives him a right against B. The second point is that the words take the form of a request to the trustee to transfer property to the beneficiary .
18 She suddenly remembered that she had n't thought to offer him a tip — although , unlike the awful Elise , he had n't seemed to expect any payment .
19 I thought he looked upset , so I did n't mention the pantomime I had just witnessed and instead offered to make him a cup of tea .
20 There , at the bar , he had been introduced to one of the heads of M.I.9 who , when he heard that Eric wanted to get back to Italy and could speak more Italian than most people who had been on the run , immediately offered to make him a member of the Allied Screening Commission .
21 Caesar will never know how fortunate he was to survive this episode ; Mr Richards could well have attempted to administer him a Mars bar instead .
22 He could have been paralysed for life … by a toy which been hired to give him a good time .
23 Often the farmers ' produce was subsidised to give him a living whilst another subsidy on the food in the shops kept prices artificially low — so wages could be pegged too .
24 It was almost as if he 'd reached out to clasp her hand in his plea for help , and she knew she 'd wanted to give him a lift .
25 At the Ryecroft bail hostel in Gloucester , where Hagans was living at the time , another witness said Hagans had tried to sell him a wedding ring for ten pounds , and was wearing a gold chain necklace .
26 His highest weighted opponent was the 1929 Preakness winner Dr Freeland with eight stone eight pounds , but the horse most fancied to give him a true test in his first race outside Australia was Spanish Play , who had won the New Orleans Handicap eight days before .
27 He 's my oldest friend , so I 'm allowed to call him a great pedant .
28 I think that now he 's in office and this is why I 've started to dislike him a little more since he 's been you know inaugurated even .
29 And anyway you ought to try , you ought to have tried telling him a few !
30 His politics and cultural interests combined to make him a nationalist of an unusually rounded kind .
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