Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 For as long as these conditions persist , and until a comprehensive range of services is developed to cope with the needs of parents with older mentally handicapped children and adults , there will still be a need for mental handicap hospitals , and there will still be young people being admitted to them .
2 The methods and techniques which have been developed to cope with the child-rearing process seem to apply equally to families who are experiencing the difficulties and frustrations of caring for an ageing relative .
3 Unfortunately , it has no effect on the larval stage in the eggs and further applications may need to be given to cope with the larvae as they hatch .
4 Do not activate them on a package until it is intended to proceed with the work .
5 The Union of October ( Octobrists ) , a loose political alliance led by landed nobility and a few prominent industrialists , was formed to work with the Tsar on the basis of the Manifesto .
6 More enthusiastic was the Union of 17 October ( Octobrists ) , a loose political alliance led by landed nobility and a few prominent industrialists , which was formed to work with the Tsar on the basis of the Manifesto .
7 Hearn is well placed to communicate with the multitude of groups involved .
8 Erm do you have to be registered say with the council at that address ?
9 The cinema even had a special computer installed to cope with the demand for bookings .
10 The cinema even had a special computer installed to cope with the demand for bookings .
11 They are designed to cope with the fact that judicial review actions often raise complex issues of public policy administrative practice which go well beyond the interests of the parties to the judicial review application and of the applicant in particular .
12 Kohl was forced to scrap a proposed tax reform ( affecting interest payments ) due to the popular outcry against it , and also reversed a decision to extend the length of conscription to 18 months , which was designed to cope with the falling population .
13 Crime they say does n't pay , well you may have your own views on that but certainly across the breadth of variety of criminal activity we might agree that crime almost always hurt someone , more or less , we have a system designed to cope with the effects of crime and to deter future criminals , but it does n't seem to be making crime a thing of the past , so how good are we at dealing with crime , tonight 's hundred women have a broad range of experience as victims , law women , perpetrators , police and others , we 'll be hearing their views on the system and how it might be changed and asking why are we all so fascinated by fictional crime from Cell Block H to Agatha Christie .
14 Thanks to the air-conditioning in the bedroom , she was at last feeling slightly cooler , but clearly none of her clothes — designed to cope with the vagaries of the English weather — were at all suitable for the steamy heat of New York .
15 Apple is still expected to proceed with the tattered case on the few elements that were not thrown out , including the idea of using a picture of a dustbin to signify deletion of a file and the way Windows handles type fonts .
16 In Minor Project schools , no link person is designated , and this means that the DCSLs have considerable autonomy in working with the schools , though they are expected to liaise with the project team through the regular monthly meetings of library staff which the ACL:E&SS holds .
17 At the helm was a Producer , although in addition to supervising the administrative side he was expected to liaise with the writer on the script and direct the play in the studio .
18 Turbine engines had not been introduced into regular airline use when I joined the Branch ; also one 's practical application of aerodynamics had to be radically modified to cope with the characteristics of high speed flight with swept wings and all the associated developments that went with this revolution in flying .
19 Would your spending pattern have to be rearranged to cope with the increased mortgage ?
20 Whether title is dealt with before or after exchange of contracts , the procedure for investigating title is exactly the same , and the conveyancer is recommended to proceed with the utmost caution , even in these modern commercial times .
21 It is not surprising that , since Buckland 's editorial was written , the neatly expressive classificatory structure illustrated in his example has now been discarded to cope with the problems of fixed length codes and a single hierarchy .
22 It follows that a particular score from an intelligence appraisal can be a useful cut-off point in that those who do not attain the cut-off should not be expected to cope with the demands of the particular task .
23 Both he and Fitzroy Maclean were bidden to dine with the Prime Minister at the British Embassy on 8 August .
24 Griffiths , who has not played for a month because of a rib injury , watched Cardiff overwhelm London Welsh on Saturday and is expected to train with the club next week .
25 As I was unable to see how I could realistically expect students to take responsibility for classes after only six weeks in the School of Education , I decided ( after much self doubt ) to put the students on their first teaching practice in the fourth and fifth years of schools offering our joint GCE O Level/CSE French for Communication syllabus where they would be expected to work with the teachers in a variety of roles .
26 The recurrent difficulty to position mitochondrial sequences from C.reinhardtii in phylogenetic trees is due to the extreme branch length of C.reinhardtii and is expected to disappear with the availability of more data from green algal species .
27 Lord John , though a cavalry officer , had never been permitted to serve with the army .
28 But this Christmas an invitation had come to celebrate with the Bradfords , and he had found her .
29 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
30 Later , the vogue for the now growing town was consolidated and much expanded by Dr Alexander Taylor , who recuperated there from the typhus he had caught serving with the sottish , mutinous and incompetent ‘ Spanish Legion ’ sent from England to help the Queen of Spain in her war against the Car lists of Navarre .
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