Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Because the child would n't go into the sea , she had her taught to swim in the local baths .
2 Light can bring about change in products , and products that are likely to be exposed to light in the market should always be tested by exposure to light .
3 These I do not repeat here , but my version of Boulestin 's sweet tomato conserve , which I had intended to include in the same book and which is indeed indexed as appearing in it , somehow got away .
4 Consideration should be given to include in the Direct Journal a supplement possibly entitled Health and Safety Direct to the Membership .
5 He writes : ‘ If we are pressed to see in the doctrine of the Trinity some clue to the sense that gender … must have something corresponding to it in the God-head , one would find in the unconditioned Unity of God something like the feminine in creation , while the differentiated Persons , on the other hand , have each a masculine denomination . ’
6 Now we either are going in the direction this morning , or rather I think you 're being pressed to go in the direction of seeking to identify in due course , what is the preferred general location , and this undoubtedly is something you can hang your hat on .
7 In San Salvador , children have picked up a catchy radio tune about the Condor brand of condoms and can be heard singing in the streets : " Condor is your friend , — always take him with you ! "
8 Each item of such a carefully considered scheme will have been intended to stand in a specific position in Kent 's rooms .
9 It landed six inches from my face and before it had stopped quivering in the ground , a red one slapped down next to it .
10 Mr Renton , whose company has been suspended by the Financial Intermediaries and Managers Brokers Regulatory Association , was remanded to appear in the court on Monday
11 From this they slide into ‘ Blinding Sun ’ , which has the mighty Mudhoney wallowing in a '60s psychedelic timewarp where the influence of the 13th Floor Elevators can be clearly heard wailing in the basement .
12 You 'll find in our newspapers many signs of a extraordinary mental instability leading to terrible deeds ( that theological student who killed a girl he had arranged to meet in a shed , and who was arrested a hour later eating his breakfast — and so on ) .
13 Norman , however , recollects that at first Minton did not take it very seriously ; but one evening , when the two men had arranged to meet in a pub before going to the opera , Norman arrived late , having spent the afternoon with Henrietta , and realised on seeing Minton that he had begun to feel left out .
14 Firstly pictures of their lead singer , Ben Volpierre Pierrot , have stopped appearing in the front sections of Sunday newspaper supplements captioned by bad puns on his name , and secondly the single from this album is all about leaving messages on an answering machine .
15 Beginning as a Cossack revolt against government encroachment on their traditional liberties , the uprising rapidly attracted support from Old Believers , minority nationalities trying to shake off Russian colonization ( most notably the Bashkirs ) , serfs assigned to work in the mines and factories of the Urals , and tens of thousands of peasants .
16 In Gever 's Application [ 1970 ] , data processing apparatus was arranged to work in a certain way associated with punched cards inserted into it .
17 Her children Peter , 15 , and 11-year-old Zara are expected to sit in the front pew for the short service .
18 But , he said , he 'd enjoyed eating in the restaurant for the last 20 years and he was pleased to see it revived .
19 WHY are you less likely to get caught speeding in a black car and most likely in a red one ?
20 Future developments such as portable fax systems designed to sit in the boot ofa car along with the paraphernalia of the mobile phone are imminent , although wide acceptance is by no means certain-line noise , which can impair reproduction quality on conventional systems , is likely to pose a problem .
21 He was encouraged to assume this double burden by Arthur Ponsonby , the younger brother of Fritz , who after nine years in the Diplomatic Service had resigned to sit in the Commons as a Liberal ; finding his colleagues inadequately radical , Ponsonby had then joined the Labour Party and in January 1924 was installed at the Prime Minister 's elbow as Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs .
22 Given the attractiveness of the venue , this undercapacity can be expected to continue in the medium term .
23 These are very substantial changes which are widely expected to continue in the 1990s .
24 The choice of career is therefore very wide and this broad-based demand for mathematicians is expected to continue in the foreseeable future .
25 Digging in and around the garage of Mr Main 's former home is expected to continue in the morning .
26 Most of us of course will be occupied seeing in the New Year .
27 However , those who came to Remaisnil for meetings could not but be struck by a paradox ; they were expected to remain in the château for meals and afterwards , until they retired to bed .
28 Meanwhile , Scotland is expected to remain in the slow lane of economic recovery , according to two surveys published yesterday .
29 Farm incomes are expected to fall in the 1990s and the Commission expects many farmers to participate in the scheme , despite initial protests that the payments are too low .
30 It is surely self-evident that whatever role they might have expected to perform in the family is likely to be changed , by being alienated from their roots .
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