Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 It had not originally been intended to carry on the research after that date , but it was so successful that finding was obtained to set up a panel study .
2 ‘ It is a principle of construction of United Kingdom statutes , now too well established to call for citation of authority , that the words of a statute passed after the Treaty has been signed and dealing with the subject matter of the international obligation of the United Kingdom , are to be construed , if they are reasonably capable of bearing such a meaning , as intended to carry out the obligation , and not to be inconsistent with it .
3 The directory will then be made available to students , trainees , and researchers who are better placed to carry out the studies .
4 " After some discussion it was arranged to carry on the Winter Meetings fortnightly as last year .
5 This option requires the name of the package , the name of the LIFESPAN user to be designated to carry out the approval , and the date by which the approval decision is required .
6 Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation of tangible assets other than freehold land over their estimated useful lives .
7 In a number of legal systems there is a presumption that the property in identified goods is intended to pass on the making of the contract , in others , only on delivery .
8 Knocker suddenly stopped mopping down the bar and looked at Yanto .
9 Gordon MacGregor , of Inverness , said he did not believe the unit would be re-opened to carry out the function conference wanted .
10 We term this the level of computer architecture , at which a set of logically integrated hardware functions are programmed to carry out the processing of data .
11 In smaller seasonal or residential hotels all the office work could be centralised in the reception office , and during the quiet period on the front desk the receptionist would be expected to carry out the task of maintaining accounting and other records .
12 It seems , however , that your leitmotiv is that no doctor could be expected to carry out the multifacetted role that doctors ‘ helping the police with their enquiries ’ have to perform , that they can not do so with their usual amount of skill , and that they can not carry out some of the more sensitive tasks without bias or being influenced by their paymasters — the police .
13 After years of assuring everyone that China could be trusted to carry out the 1984 British-Chinese agreement on Hong Kong in good faith , the colonial administration found itself after Tiananmen Square presiding over a population which knew that China could not be trusted at all .
14 These included speeding up the confinement of government troops and agreeing to an election timetable .
15 It was , of course , by far a situation too good to last and in time , gazing down the glen , a solitary figure was spied struggling up the brae — without a kit-bag — the WAAFs identified their squadron officer ( known as Belladonna ) apparently about to make her first call on her troops in the wild , I was never able at first hand to witness this airmen 's paradise but it is a story that passed the rounds at Kinloss .
16 Herbert also penned the verses which have come to sum up the general fate of such investigations :
17 When the recipient is not expected to write down the details , it is often the case that the speaker repeats them sometimes several times over .
18 I 've forgotten to write down the bad dream I had last night .
19 I did n't intend to eavesdrop , I thought he 'd gone and forgotten to pull back the curtains .
20 Mr Hamilton will be approached to find out the format of this event .
21 After a brief warm-up , participants dispersed to try out the various sports , and then the time came for the games , which involved the competitors in ( among other things ) rushing to get balls round traffic cones , and into baskets .
22 The new clauses are designed to set out the structure for a funding council skeleton on which such structures would be built .
23 The Secretary of State was tackling negligent parents in a wide-ranging , keynote address to Conservative Party members in Aberdeen , designed to set out the Government 's renewed — but traditional — agenda for schooling .
24 Several banks operate special accounts designed to smooth out the impact of these unavoidable and important bills , many of which arise quarterly .
25 He saw the Shah 's reform movement as designed to sell out the country to foreign powers , especially Israel and the Untied States , and he exhorted the mullahs to resist .
26 The French Navy has begun an operation designed to clean up the toxic seaweed which is threatening marine life in the Mediterranean off the south coast [ see ED 53/54 ] .
27 He 'd never once forgotten to lock up the hens when she 'd asked him .
28 The fact that this was the chosen approach of the Evil One in tempting Eve should give us a healthy respect for its subtlety and danger : ‘ Did God say … ? ’ he asked : His innocent-sounding questions about the facts of the case were designed to open up the deeper issue of God 's goodness .
29 However , with their habitual thrust towards the private market , the Tory Housing Act , by incorporating provision for shorthold tenure , and permission to council tenants to sublet and take lodgers , is designed to open up the private rented sector .
30 D'Arcy Masius Benton & Bowles is hotly tipped to pick up the creative account for St Ivel 's Shape and Gold brands , currently handled by J Walter Thompson .
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