Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 For example , some lawyers say the law of deception must be adjusted to include deception of machines rather than just people .
2 Data was gathered using variety of observational techniques which are described in more detail in the section 12 .
3 For example , the highly Beccarian French Code of 1791 was soon revised to reintroduce recognition of mitigating circumstances , judicial discretion in sentencing and the prerogative of mercy .
4 This is felt to be an inadequate preparation for the work of life , because it tends to produce a super-abundant supply of an indifferent clerkly class and to create and foster a distaste for agriculture and the handicrafts , which are more indispensable to the country and are better calculated to promote independence of character .
5 company standing orders and regulations revised to promote uniformity of practice throughout ships of the fleet
6 Under this , expenditure from the structural funds was to rise to ECU 27,400 million yearly by 1999 and a new cohesion fund would be formed to provide funding of ECU 2,600 million yearly by 1999 .
7 A wide range of measures have been developed to encourage exploitation of technologies , the diffusion of technologies between sectors and the spread of best practice .
8 Robert Byrd ( West Virginia ) , the appropriations committee chairman , came under attack from Nunn because it allowed unauthorized " pork-barrel " programmes to be funded and because no money was given to restart production of the F-117 A fighter , a stealth aircraft Nunn called the " star " of the Gulf war .
9 New test is developed to find cancer of cervix
10 However , many of its attributes are not fully appreciated and the following notes are intended to increase awareness of these .
11 Answer guide : This is intended to encourage discussion of the economic climate , the market for the goods produced , competition etc .
12 Overall , the two types of study each had its own areas of strength and compensated for the weaknesses of the other ; the neighbourhood studies were intended to obtain depth of linguistic and social information , while the telephone survey provided breadth .
13 After the password is entered ( it does not appear on the screen for security reasons ) , the ENTER ( or RETURN ) key should be pressed to indicate completion of the Log On page .
14 Gastrin-17 and pentagastrin given exogenously , as well as surgical procedures leading to endogenous hypergastrinaemia , have been reported to stimulate growth of the exocrine pancreas in mice and rats .
15 For example , President Kaunda 's philosophy of humanism was not widely understood , and the reason seemed quite clear : the programme Nation and Humanism , designed to promote understanding of that philosophy , was often very dull .
16 And the other thing is that it 's er a wide syllabus is fine as long as you 're not expected to go in any depth , but you 're expected to go sort of both , a broad syllabus and into a little bit of depth more than perhaps erm I mean in effect I mean you 're not far off of covering A level psychology at this at tha the level we 're going to .
17 The interview technique has been designed to stimulate discussion of the topic in question with as little prompting as possible , again justifying the phrase which was used in the title of the report of the previous project : ‘ Transport decision-makers speak ’ .
18 Smoking has previously been reported to inhibit synthesis of PGE 2 by gastric mucosa .
19 The specification , called Dwarf , is designed to enable debugging of any application generated by a compiler that also supports the Dwarf format , regardless of the application 's vendor .
20 Another form of argument to be considered involves analysis of what else was happening at the time a text was written and first published .
21 Electrical stimulation of the exposed cortex in a small group of patients has been reported to disrupt production of single oral-facial movements at exactly the same electrode sites that produce speech arrest during naming of objects .
22 This resulted in farce : ‘ I have never forgotten seeing footage of a British manager which began on his moccasined feet , wafted over his monogrammed door mat , and ended up opposite the sofa on which lounged five of his charges , scowling greasily ’ .
23 The chartered jet was carrying 248 US servicemen home for Christmas to Fort Campbell , Kentucky , from their stations in the Sinai desert , where they formed part of the Multinational Force and Observers designed to monitor implementation of the Camp David accords between Egypt and Israel .
24 Previously when providing explosion cover on an air receiver , the insurance was deemed to include explosion of the air compressor working with the receiver .
25 Fieldwork is based in Sheffield , and is designed to gather information of both a quantitative and a qualitative nature .
26 This aircraft , together with S1263 and S1264 , was also modified to accept installation of three 825hp Rolls-Royce Buzzard IIMS engines , the first machine so updated flying in March 1932 , and being redesignated Iris Mk V. Both S1263 and S1264 were lost in 1933 , S1263 sinking after colliding with a launch in Plymouth Sound .
27 Furthermore , the evaluation strategies are designed to provide evidence of the effectiveness of various components of diagrams as conveyors of biological ideas to blind students .
28 The first of a generation of satellites designed to increase knowledge of the environment , oceans and climate has been launched from French Guiana in South America .
29 Kiyonga also announced that a black market for foreign exchange was in effect to be legalised , in a measure designed to increase availability of foreign currency and stimulate foreign investment and non-traditional exports .
30 Candidates should note that some degree curricula include travel requirements and that students will be expected to bear part of the cost of their travel programmes .
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