Example sentences of "[vb pp] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , some lawyers say the law of deception must be adjusted to include deception of machines rather than just people .
2 Data was gathered using variety of observational techniques which are described in more detail in the section 12 .
3 For example , the highly Beccarian French Code of 1791 was soon revised to reintroduce recognition of mitigating circumstances , judicial discretion in sentencing and the prerogative of mercy .
4 We have seen that recognised SROs are not expressly given rulemaking power by the FSA .
5 This is felt to be an inadequate preparation for the work of life , because it tends to produce a super-abundant supply of an indifferent clerkly class and to create and foster a distaste for agriculture and the handicrafts , which are more indispensable to the country and are better calculated to promote independence of character .
6 Veritas has arranged to support Destiny with a cut-down version of its file system dubbed the Journaling File System and aimed at the desktop : the full product will come along later as a server upgrade .
7 The golden eagle , at one time persecuted to near extinction by game keepers , is now a strictly protected bird .
8 Case Management Application , has been developed using ImageFlow in combination with Plexus ' flagship XDP image processing software and is claimed to offer 70% of the core functionality needed to develop most vertical market imaging applications .
9 It was almost as if he 'd stopped seeing Dad at all .
10 Parliamentary scrutiny is still important : ( a ) It ensures the measure is publicised allowing opinion outside Parliament to make itself felt .
11 Competition The proposals included a number of reforms which were intended to stimulate competition in the financial system and also to remove some of the discriminatory aspects of the previous methods of regulation :
12 company standing orders and regulations revised to promote uniformity of practice throughout ships of the fleet
13 The new TTWA boundaries will be calculated using information on commuting from the 1991 census calculated using information on commuting from the 1991 census of population .
14 Local councils throughout the United Kingdom have stopped using peat in favour of environmentally friendly alternatives , a new survey carried out by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) has found .
15 To counter this effect , a number of NLP systems were developed to extract information about terrorist incident from a test suite of 100 previously unseen news articles .
16 In the court 's majority ( 7-1 ) opinion , however , Justice Harry A. Blackmun wrote that although the punitive damages were more than four times the amount given to compensate Haslip for her injuries , and more than 200 times her out-of-pocket expenses , the award did " not cross the line into the area of constitutional impropriety " .
17 Under this , expenditure from the structural funds was to rise to ECU 27,400 million yearly by 1999 and a new cohesion fund would be formed to provide funding of ECU 2,600 million yearly by 1999 .
18 Of these , almost 20% were arranged to provide support for staff development activities organised by the centre or the Region .
19 For those of you who feel the need to get away from it all , Edinburgh is uniquely placed to provide access to the untamed magnificence of the Highlands , a mere hop and a skip up the A9 .
20 The Department of Classics at Edinburgh is uniquely placed to provide access to this study , combining the flexibility and breadth of the Scottish degree structure with a range of disciplines not available to the same extent elsewhere in Scotland .
21 New agroforestry techniques have also been developed to increase productivity without disrupting the basic symbiosis which exists between tree crop and annual crop .
22 Hollier is an extreme case , but its lesson for the drafter is that if a clause is intended to exclude liability for negligence , it should expressly refer to negligence .
23 A wide range of measures have been developed to encourage exploitation of technologies , the diffusion of technologies between sectors and the spread of best practice .
24 Robert Byrd ( West Virginia ) , the appropriations committee chairman , came under attack from Nunn because it allowed unauthorized " pork-barrel " programmes to be funded and because no money was given to restart production of the F-117 A fighter , a stealth aircraft Nunn called the " star " of the Gulf war .
25 New test is developed to find cancer of cervix
26 However , many of its attributes are not fully appreciated and the following notes are intended to increase awareness of these .
27 The amendment was intended to increase pressure on US allies to pay more of their common defence costs , and to prevent cuts in European armed forces before any formal agreement was reached with the Warsaw Pact at the Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) talks in Vienna ( for proposals put forward in July see p. 36835 ) .
28 Answer guide : This is intended to encourage discussion of the economic climate , the market for the goods produced , competition etc .
29 Overall , the two types of study each had its own areas of strength and compensated for the weaknesses of the other ; the neighbourhood studies were intended to obtain depth of linguistic and social information , while the telephone survey provided breadth .
30 No special LIFESPAN privileges are required to use this option as it is intended to provide information for all LIFESPAN users .
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