Example sentences of "[vb past] much [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The kustar' system , which recovered much faster than heavy industry , had 122 arteli in the city in 1922 .
2 But the local publican told Jane that these maligned outsiders behaved much better than drunk Councillors .
3 I will not suppose them guilty of a direct intention of striking us , particularly if they had any idea of the danger of such a proceeding , for the cliff rose much more than a hundred feet above us , and even a very small stone would have fatal effect by striking the head .
4 The evidence for the intensive use of sorghum and millets some 8,000 years ago indicates that such use first occurred much earlier than previously thought , and took place in what is today a rainless desert .
5 When he had been in work he had eaten at 6 o'clock when he got home , but now they ate much later than they had ever done .
6 After considerable reflection , a discussion of the match with a wide circle of friends , a session with a sports psychiatrist , and two calls to the Samaritans , I decide that I lost because Martin played much better than I did .
7 The birthrate towards the end of the nineteenth century declined much faster than the deathrate .
8 We often reached our overdraft limit because of a sticky cashflow — and after taking on a large mortgage to pay for a new factory we could n't raise any further borrowing for the second production line we needed much sooner than expected .
9 This explicitly materialist framework of contemporary neurophysiology originated much later than Aristotle .
10 The historian Lord Macaulay notes in his diary for 16 January , 1851 : ‘ We talked much together until another party got into the carriage : a canting fellow and a canting woman .
11 Of course gold prospecting in Ireland started much earlier than this — in 1957 Anglo-United were prospecting for gold in Clentibret , Co .
12 It burnt much faster than expected .
13 It burnt much faster than expected .
14 I would n't say I enjoyed it , but it went much better than I expected and my audience were very appreciative .
15 Sometimes she thought that things went much better when Liza happened to be out of the room and she was alone with John .
16 The former Home Secretary took common ground with Mrs Thatcher in opposing a Brussels-dominated and economically illiberal ‘ Fortress Europe ’ and went much further than Mr Lawson or the pro-European cabinet majority in calling for a central bank on the looser American rather than Bundesbank model .
17 But this went much further than healthy scepticism .
18 To be sure there was still a strong response opposing Enoch Powell 's call for repatriation , from all shades of political opinion , but the racialization of public debate about the 1985 riots went much further than 1980–1 .
19 In the spring parliament of 1340 the commons offered a grant of tax subject to conditions which now went much further than the concessions they had sought in the previous year and which were reminiscent of the concerns of the Ordainers in 1310–11 .
20 There were some Whigs too who went much further than Grey in their willingness to innovate …
21 But the significance of this terrace solidarity went much further than this .
22 He soon started to gather illustrations for The Tourist 's New Guide to the Lake District , but as with the Manchester plan , it took much longer than he had hoped , and the final version was not published until 1819 .
23 It took much longer than expected for the population to be reduced by deaths , occasional discharges and transfers to new units .
24 Thirdly , in generating assessment exercises from objectives the whole process took much longer than anticipated and initially reviewers were unhappy with the quality of exercises produced by contract ‘ item writers ’ .
25 Holding the cow 's tail he leaned on the hairy back and , empty-eyed , blew smoke from the pipe which like most farmers at a cleansing he had prudently lit at the outset And of course , since the going was heavy , it just would happen that the job took much longer than usual .
26 ‘ That took much longer than I would have believed . ’
27 Folkman discovered that tumours in rabbits ' ears treated with protamine grew much slower than untreated tumours .
28 The South Atlantic region ( Delaware , Maryland , Virginia , West Virginia , North and South Carolina , Georgia and Florida , plus the District of Columbia ) performed much better than the national average , especially in the first two decades when growth rates were half as large again as those for the United States as a whole .
29 When they were asked to turn out and fight on behalf of king or queen and country , some regiments performed much better than others .
30 In the south , this sympathy factor ensured that Congress ( I ) performed much better than had been expected .
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