Example sentences of "[vb past] given to the " in BNC.

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1 er thought given to the title of that .
2 A copy of a paper he had given to the British Association on ‘ The car of the future ’ led to his being summoned to Detroit , and to a commission to design and build it .
3 It was clear that the responses they had given to the respective campaign teams were not necessarily accurate .
4 The assembled guests well knew they were after bigger quarry than hare or stag and it the small town of Kirkmichael , Mar , on Tuesday 6 September , formally proclaimed James King of England , Scotland and , as tradition required , France , a poor return for all the help the Bourbons had given to the Jacobite cause .
5 The details recalled by Carol during the regression ( and which she continued to remember afterwards ) tallied precisely with those she had given to the police on the night the rape had occurred .
6 Thus , Barker ( 1984 ) , in her study of the Moonies , gave a questionnaire similar to that which she had given to the Moonies to a group of people who were matched with the Moonies with respect to sex , age , and background .
7 The fifth matter of complaint , which goes partly to the intention of the appellants and to the difficulty they found themselves in before the judge was that their solicitor never explained these matters to the judge , that is to say the technical nature of the breach , the details of the two charges that had been made , and the advice that their solicitor himself had given to the appellants when they came to consult him .
8 Fortunately those of my friends who knew me before were only amused by this foolish description and there was no general resentment of my peerage , which could properly have been attributed to many services that I had given to the government — of both colours .
9 1–3–1859 The Convener read the following letter from Claud McFie Esquire with reference to a donation of £400 which he had given to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund and a like sum to the Supplementary Sustentation Fund and in reference to which he reserved power to demand the interest during his life ; that he was anxious to promote the prosperity of the new Church of Bowmore in Islay , and now desired to appropriate the interest of the latter sum for five years , for that charge , and on this being complied with he gave up for that period his claim for the interest of the former sum , viz £400 , to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund .
10 The transcript departed from aspects of the evidence which Reagan had given to the Tower Commission in 1987 , and suggested that he had returned to his earliest explanations of the Iran-contra affair , insisting that he did not trade arms for hostages and had seen not " one iota " of evidence that profits from the operation had been diverted to the contras .
11 Hakim , who had pleaded guilty in November 1989 to a misdemeanour charge ( helping to supplement the salary of North by arranging to pay for a security system at North 's home ) in return for the dropping of five felony counts [ see p. 37037 ] , was praised by the judge for the assistance which he had given to the Iran-contra investigation .
12 North 's lawyers claimed that his 1989 trial had been marred by the absence of key witnesses , including former President Reagan , and by the prejudicial effect upon prosecutors , jurors and witnesses of the highly publicized testimony which North had given to the 1987 congressional inquiry , and for which he had been granted immunity from prosecution .
13 On Dec. 4 , 1991 , Valverde had given to the parliamentary commission on industry a detailed exposition of Renfe 's role in the affair , which he claimed had been merely to execute plans made by the Transport Ministry and the Autonomous Community ( local council ) of Madrid .
14 On March 26 Noubir Amaoui , secretary-general of the Democratic Confederation of Labour ( CDT ) — a trade union grouping close to the opposition Socialist Union of Popular Forces ( USFP ) — was arrested at the CDT offices in Casablanca in connection with an interview he had given to the Spanish newspaper El País on March 11 .
15 The King , understandably enough , did not thank Asquith for implying that he would deviate from the role of strict constitutionality by denying to Labour what he had given to the other parties .
16 In view of the weight he had given to the idea of an aristocratic plot , Edward found his flat reaction to the name of Hamilton quite puzzling .
17 A campaign based on petitions , letter-writings , and revelations of inadequacies and irregularities in the development 's plans , persuaded the government to reverse the initial approval which it had given to the scheme .
18 The children gave the same simple obedience as they had given to the men with the megaphones . ’
19 June Bascombe having given her report as Society Chairman thanked Kay Evans for the invaluable support she had given to the Society for so many years and presented her with a book token .
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