Example sentences of "[vb past] done for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then John got done for burglary and he was put away five days before I got out .
2 And we got done for conspiracy to cause GBH .
3 It was like from head to toe there was these marks on my body where I had bruises , and I got done for police assault — I could n't believe it !
4 I 'd make it me business to er yes and course it was to his trade good jobs as he 'd done for customers , had it done so well , they told somebody else and it brought in trade , see what I mean ?
5 Pouring the wine , just as he 'd done for Marianne Novaks .
6 His bedroom was the Sleeping Beauty scene he 'd done for Biba 's children 's department and the kitchen area was full of artificial trees — which his party guests used to piss against .
7 I was standing in the back of a small boat , drifting down some English river I 've never seen — the kind with dappled , overhang-ing leaves reflected in the water — grasping a punt-pole in my hands and propelling the flat boat like it was something I 'd done for years .
8 That was more than she 'd done for Dane , she realised , feeling the first faint stirrings of doubt .
9 A tiny minority of landowners lived in enormous wealth and comfort , exacting feudal dues and enforced labour from farmers who had in effect become their tied peasants : these landowners still engaged in the grain trade as their families had done for generations , and as if they could think of nothing else to do .
10 Close to , he looked less mad than he had done for ages ; just drawn , pale , weary .
11 Summoning all her reserves , she swam forcefully down the whole length of the pool , and back again , gradually realising that she felt fitter than she had done for ages .
12 They ought to have pocketed three points in the first half-hour but Tony Adams , a more threatening centre-forward on his forays than the current Alan Smith , missed the target with two headers and David Rocastle let Dave Beasant save a penalty , much as the stretch-version keeper had done for Wimbledon in the 1988 FA Cup final .
13 He did not use the existing Defence Committee , which he chaired , as Attlee had done for Korea .
14 We would try to do for Rotherham what Checkers discos had done for Sheffield .
15 Passionate homesickness rose and buffeted his harder than it had done for months .
16 Life went on at home much as it had done for years .
17 Her part in Share My Lettuce had done as much for her own theatrical career as the show had done for Ken , and she was embarking on a series of films that would make her an international reputation .
18 He 'd seen what Madge Grimsilk had done for Therese in Maritza , and had savagely braced himself to give no sign , no indication of anything when he saw her Luxembourg costumes .
19 Throughout Marx 's work he stresses , as he had done for labour , the fantastic nature of the capitalist concept of property , the fantastic notion that there is something of our personality in the things or places we own .
20 Neff built up the firm 's business in the USA not by dint of one overwhelming individual personality , as Roche had done for Heidrick and Struggles , but by exemplifying the success of the Spencer Stuart method of problem-solving in management crises across a range of corporate sectors .
21 The Baptists of Amersham were only doing what the universal Church had done for centuries in insisting on partaking in the Communion as a sign of being ‘ in communion ’ with the church .
22 People came out of the forest and went into the forest as they had done for centuries , making the deep tracks down Steep Ridgery .
23 Harry wondered what it was Heather had done for Miss Labrooy , but felt glad , on the whole , that he did not know .
24 It is true that the liberties of the church were proclaimed in a number of public documents — the Ordinances of 1311 , the Articuli Cleri of 1316 but these assurances were as vague as they were hackneyed and ephemeral , and in practice the king exploited the church even more ruthlessly than his father had done for revenues , patronage and manpower .
25 At first television did for celluloid what the San Francisco earthquake had done for property .
26 It was Nation 's close friend Dennis Spooner who had put his name forward to David Whitaker , showing him the science fiction script Nation had done for Irene Shubik 's Out of this World series a year or so earlier .
27 He wondered , once , if she would weep for him as she had done for Ansaldo .
28 Presenting her with gifts including an art deco clock and a cheque , he thanked her and her husband , a former chairman of the residents ' association , for all they had done for Le Court .
29 Smith saw the opportunity to do for books what Jack Cohen had done for groceries at Tesco 's — ‘ Pile 'em high and sell 'em cheap . ’
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