Example sentences of "[vb past] off [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Stage 4 is the familiar multiplier , only this time triggered off by a change in imports and exports .
2 The years of abundance in America began in 1950 with the defence expenditure triggered off by the Korean War , and the boom continued with only a hiccup or two of recession in 1954 and 1958 .
3 In other words , these are ritualised displays triggered off by the stimulus of ‘ predator-near-nest ’ .
4 Some eruptions have become major historical events , since many of the world 's greatest natural disasters have been associated with volcanoes , either directly through the effects of explosions and suffocation by volcanic gases , or indirectly through the much further-reaching effects of tidal waves triggered off by an eruption , such as those resulting from the great eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 .
5 But as the complex and delicate process unravelled , with hormones triggered off like the unlocking of a set of combination locks in a vast bank vault , it emerged how unlike a precious gem the ovum is .
6 We climbed a little further and Arthur cooled off in the tarn .
7 I was convinced he was about to do the same to me , when he suddenly appeared to notice the tent for the first time , shied away and crashed off into the trees .
8 Willows and other small trees grew thickly on the banks of Lough Corrib , fenced off from the road .
9 now she has an iris mountain , with Sir Cedric 's and the many more she grew from seed brought back from America , fenced off from the main garden in her ‘ Stalag 13 look ’ .
10 And within was empty darkness , fenced off by no more than a ridge of soil .
11 ‘ I said , ‘ Get lost ’ , and pushed past him and staggered off down the corridor .
12 She struggled to her feet , her only thought to avoid discovery , and staggered off into the darkness .
13 The machine gun came free , and the children staggered off under the weight , certain of a huge price on the black market .
14 He staggered off towards a nearby Black Maria ( preferring , at this point , arrest to sudden death ) , jumped in the back and was greeted by one of the officers with the words ‘ fascist scum ’ and a ‘ boot in the face ’ .
15 ‘ You bolted off into the forest , ’ said Tommy , his eyes never leaving Trentham .
16 The other three turned and bolted off down the stairs .
17 Tommy bolted off like a greyhound released from the slips , and the two other men watched as he scampered across the open ground , until some twenty seconds later he reached the safety of the trees .
18 The police charged off after the fictitious yobs and we rushed in the opposite direction back to the track !
19 After what seemed an age , Rubber Feet moved off towards what they call the Lavatory Tower ( not what it sounds like ) , Leather Feet must have figured I 'd gone inside the Cath because he pattered off up the steps , which of course meant the end of all hopes of returning to my refuge via the Crypt .
20 All Cantona would say as he headed off for a quick trip to Paris before preparing for Sunday 's derby clash was : ‘ I enjoyed my debut . ’
21 As on previous years , the start of the event which has come to be known simply as ‘ the ARC ’ was emotional : 121 boats ranging in size from 30ft to 75ft. ( 9 to 23m ) headed off for a transatlantic crossing to St Lucia in the Caribbean .
22 Taking my leave , I headed off for the developing tanks at my studio .
23 We headed off for the north-east facing slopes of La Masse , hoping to find the best snow .
24 Endill told him the plan so far , and they headed off to the sick bay , Mr Litmus taking his pile of notes with him .
25 Everyone wished each other good luck and Mould , Matron and Endill headed off to the library .
26 Guido simply winked back at her and told Silvia with a smile , as he headed off across the garden , ‘ Be sure to show her the games room while you 're at it .
27 Mr McDoodle pulled on the reins and they headed off down the drive , past the old hanging tree and out onto the bumpy road .
28 By the time we eventually turned to starboard and headed off towards the UK I was most anxious to get home : I was to be the best man at a wedding that day , and I had to get back before high noon , When the dawn really appeared we were lying very sedately over ( and we were not aware of it at the time ) Belgium .
29 Resolving to ‘ quit all my friends and tear myself away from my home ’ , he headed off along the North African coast in the direction of Mecca , driven onwards by what he described as ‘ an overmastering impulse from within' .
30 After a most welcome visit to the Orchard Room we headed off into the dusk for the night stage to Birmingham .
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