Example sentences of "[vb past] made him [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 He was in a filthy mood , first because I 'd suggested he sleep on my floor instead of at Sorrel 's so we could get an early start , then because I 'd made him wear a suit and tie to go with our Yuppie cover ( and because I 'd insisted on the shirt as well ) .
2 Because of his principles he had n't served in the Forces and they 'd made him do labouring jobs instead , so that now his hands were n't what they used to be either .
3 Whether because of the position she 'd made him adopt , or the bonds securing him , he was as stiff as a fence post .
4 The Prince 's vanity had made him dress for a winter 's campaign on what threatened to be the summer 's hottest day yet .
5 But on the whole there was a simplicity and directness about the way she had written that had pleased him , and occasional bits of unintended humour that had made him laugh , though the way she had written about her family — her grandmother in particular , had made him think her unobservant .
6 Somehow that had made him talk about things here .
7 He wondered what on earth had made him talk like that and why had he told McEllhoney of all people ?
8 Patrick heard the roar and the storm of applause and guessed that his curiosity had made him miss the shot not only of the tournament but probably of the golfing year .
9 Chesarynth looked at his sybaritic features and decided his laziness had made him prefer fleshly pleasures to work .
10 Merymose 's story had made him want to lose himself .
11 What had Julius seen in the nineteen-year-old girl she had been five years ago that had made him want to grab her and marry her , without even really knowing her ?
12 people who had made him skulk behind trees until they had passed .
13 What had made him change his mind ?
14 He had intended making an offer for the cottage , but the old woman 's distress at leaving had made him change his mind .
15 The times had made him mistrust the militant kinds of heroism , though he unjustly saw himself as deficient in fortitude of another sort .
16 His colleague Fleming 's humiliation on horseback had made him dread the same thing for himself .
17 It was the association of hot springs and helium that had made him think that there could be something to Chatterjee 's idea after all , and maybe to the claims by Fleischmann and Pons .
18 It had been the amount of blood flowing which had made him think that they were worse .
19 But on the whole there was a simplicity and directness about the way she had written that had pleased him , and occasional bits of unintended humour that had made him laugh , though the way she had written about her family — her grandmother in particular , had made him think her unobservant .
20 The repetition of many verses of ‘ Ave Maria ’ had made him sing .
21 The repetition of many verses of ‘ Ave Maria ’ had made him sing .
22 The loading had made him break out in a terrible sweat and perspiration ran down his forehead into his eyes .
23 The suggestion had made him go silent .
24 He was n't sure what impulse had made him go first to Harry Mack 's body .
25 They were the first enemy troops he had ever seen and the sight of them had made him go pale .
26 So what was it that had made him go , but a furtive , half-acknowledged sense that not to have done so would have been like turning one 's back on the Crucifixion , that here perhaps at last was the litmus which might determine the validity of his readopted faith ?
27 He had usually been with a girl , an Arab girl , which was unusual , of course , and had made him stand out . ’
28 On his arrival , he had asked for hot water to be brought up to his room at nine sharp the next morning , but the sight of one of the young servant girls struggling up the stairs from the kitchen with the huge kettle of boiling water had made him feel so guilty and ashamed he had not asked again .
29 With a single look she had made him feel faintly ridiculous .
30 But he was aware of the stage in his career which he had reached , and work on the preparation of Collected Poems had made him feel that he was about to retire .
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