Example sentences of "[vb past] made the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But if so I felt that I had a chance of retrieving the situation , once I 'd made the Fraxillian delivery .
2 Now for a moment I wondered if he 'd made the entire story up — the elusive animal , the bizarre hunting technique .
3 Laura had never had any doubts that she 'd made the right decision .
4 We all just sat there like Mickey Mouse was dead or something , and then we got on the train and went back home and did n't say anything to each other , and all the kids at school thought I 'd made the whole thing up .
5 I took him out for a boozy lunch , and in the end he admitted he 'd made the whole thing up .
6 Perhaps she 'd made the wrong choice , after all , she was thinking .
7 I was so afraid tonight when you did n't show up that I 'd made the biggest mistake of my life in letting you go back to England without trying to extract a promise from you . ’
8 She 'd made the oldest mistake in the book , had n't she ?
9 The case had made the front page ; eight column inches in the bottom right-hand corner :
10 ‘ But who knows what would have happened if we had made the early breakthrough tonight ?
11 I should still have thought that in securing him from Bolton Wanderers I had made the best bargain of my life . ’
12 The colours all yelled at each other ; most of the furniture was cheap and shabby and it was in a clutter of smelly untidiness , but the general effect was of a room somebody had made the best of according to their taste , and enjoyed living in .
13 Although she had made the best of resolutions not to be drawn into talking about her own times , she found it hard to resist Johnny 's persistent questioning .
14 He had been taken on in an unofficial capacity as Captain 's companion , but , like everyone else on board , from ship 's surgeon to midshipman , he had made the best of this great opportunity by gathering remarkable collections of insects , plants , birds , and fossils .
15 The third was Private Eye 's Adrian Mole-style Diary of John Major , which it was claimed had made the Prime Minister such a figure of ridicule that it might be a significant factor in his losing this election .
16 He and colleagues reviewed 70 referral letters from general practitioners and , not surprisingly , found that only 27% of the general practitioners had made the correct diagnosis .
17 An SFA selection committee had made the odd decision to pick a team months before the finals and conspired to select a pool of only 13 players which barely reflected the best talent available .
18 Nobody since the first Napoleon made his Corsican brothers kings of half Europe had made the political code of the Latin world of the Mafia so obviously the basis of his policy as Nicolae Ceauşescu .
19 But his sudden withdrawing of his Fourth Symphony and his artist 's response in his Fifth Symphony had made the young revolutionary acutely aware of the precarious role of the creative artist in Stalin 's Soviet Union .
20 But both authors recognise that experience in office in the coalition government had made the Labour leaders more cautious than they would otherwise have been : Dr Marwick comments that ‘ Middle-class radicalism and official trade unionism were much stronger influences than left-wing Socialism ’ , and Dr Addison speaks of an ‘ Attlee consensus ’ to which the Conservatives , when they returned to office in 1951 , also subscribed .
21 At the same time he found it interesting that prison had made the former district governor more passionate about the cause championed by Akhenaten .
22 Continuous oppression had made the Irish a completely wretched nation , and now , as everyone knows , they have the job of providing England , America and Australia etc. with whores , day labourers , pimps , pickpockets , swindlers , beggars and other wretches .
23 Moses had made the arduous climb to the top of the mountain , but on the summit he did not experience God himself but a thick cloud of unknowing . ’
24 The rural district council relied on the assumption of responsibility by the corporation in 1945 , while the corporation denied responsibility for the former rural district families and claimed that the 1956 Housing Act had made the rural district council responsible for all the families in the camp .
25 It was a fine bright day and he felt sure he had made the right decision .
26 Then I too realized I had made the right decision to stay put in hospital .
27 ( Schlesinger had made the right decision , because The April Fools , finally directed by Stuart Rosenberg , was a real failure . )
28 Hank silently drank down his beer , and hoped he had made the right move in telling his father .
29 But at half-past seven the next morning they knew they had made the right decision .
30 The few moments that Merrill spent in front of the mirror told her that she had made the right decision to wear the black dress which exposed one bare shoulder .
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