Example sentences of "[vb past] made in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That 's cruel , ’ said Lee , holding on to Caspar with two hands through the loop he 'd made in the end of the wire .
2 So , there 's me , in agony with me ankle , hobbling over to the hole that I 'd made in the wall of the office .
3 By 1952 the contacts Ramsey had made in the US led to her being awarded a Smith-Mundt scholarship and she toured the country speaking as an authority on what was then pioneering work being done in the UK .
4 Last month he was hauled before the management committee of the British Judo Association to explain a series of criticisms he had made in The Independent after the poor British results at the European Championships in Helsinki last May .
5 They also disliked changes Paul had made in the liturgy , and his encouragement of enthusiastic audience-participation in sermons .
6 He was given no follow-up treatment to continue the progress he had made in the rehabilitation hospital .
7 Afterwards he was haunted by the sound his footsteps had made in the brooding post-dawn silence , the crunch and crackle of his shoes breaking ice .
8 The heirs of the executed and forfeited rebels lacked the means and the backing to use force to regain what their fathers had lost , and the enemies Edward had made in the extreme north by concluding a truce with the Scots were in no position to make their influence felt .
9 The vows we had made in the heat of our desire we had not kept .
10 It drew upon a series of speeches he had made in the late autumn , particularly an address to an all-union student forum .
11 Mills had apparently met a very loquacious Dennis Suit in a bar in Tegucigalpa , Honduras , and listened to him brag about the worldwide connections he had made in the course of his career as a self-proclaimed CIA agent .
12 The barge anchors were unrecognisable as such , more like crustaceans , specimens of some giant type long since discarded by Nature , but still clinging to their old habitat , sunk in the deep pits they had made in the foreshore .
13 Few of the cast would have seen him in the revues of the late thirties where his career started , but they would all have caught up with the films he had made in the immediate post-war years .
14 Her brain was working quickly now , seeking a way to heal the breaches he had made in the armour of her emotional defence .
15 She put up her hands in a gesture reminiscent of the one which she had made in the attic , when she had been still fearful of him and of all men , but the gesture was as much for Havvie as for him .
16 Springfield and Fenton pulled back the flaps of the cut they had made in the chain-link fence , allowing Grant and Larsen to duck through into hostile territory .
17 But no child , So I got up and changed into my khaki drill and was just about to throw the water off the groundsheet that by this time had collected in the hole that I had prepared for my sleeping , to find that there was a black scorpion wallowing in the slight indentation I had made in the sand .
18 Within days Charlie had lost all the profit he had made in the past year and suddenly found himself back to square one .
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