Example sentences of "[vb past] in at the " in BNC.

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1 The room was low , and precious little of the falling day crept in at the one small , grimy window .
2 However some water got in at the front .
3 Once at Frankfurt 's Rhine-Main airport he had collected the keys of a Golf Corbio from the Hertz desk and driven the twenty-four miles on the A66 to Mainz where he checked in at the Europa Hotel on Kaiserstrasse .
4 Brother Cadfael was just emerging from the door of the infirmary in mid-morning , after replenishing Brother Edmund 's stores in the medicine cupboard , when they rode in at the gatehouse before his eyes .
5 He affixed a small jewellers ' eyeglass to his eye , and peered in at the device 's workings more closely .
6 He grabbed Joseph roughly by the shoulder as the boy peered in at the window , and pulled him away .
7 Outside two young men peered in at the lighted women with their bottles and Jonquil 's cans of Carlsberg .
8 The Shaws moved in at the beginning of December 1906 with a married couple , Henry and Clara Higgs , to look after them .
9 The boyfriend moved in at the beginning of the summer ; he gets by doing casual work on the farms . ’
10 He never stopped in at the Susweca for refreshment after he was finished for the day .
11 Police with truncheons waded in at the San Siro stadium as fighting broke out , although there were no immediate reports of severe injuries .
12 The basic recipe is a reduction of white wine and brown fond de veau lié with a julienne of gherkins and mustard stirred in at the last moment .
13 At Portsmouth , Crabb was met by a local MI6 officer , using the cover name ‘ Bernard Smith ’ , and together they booked in at the Sallyport Hotel where ‘ Smith ’ gave his address as ‘ c/o Foreign Office , London ’ .
14 He booked in at the special executive reception on the eighteenth floor , reserving an executive suite on the twentieth floor .
15 So he booked in at the John Radcliffe Cardiac Unit … close to his home in Marlow .
16 He dropped in at the still extant Paperback Shop .
17 In London in 1969 he concluded that Rolling Stone would be an extremely fashionable thing to be involved in , and dropped in at the magazine 's Maddox Street offices .
18 The father-of-three from Whiston ( right ) was one of the visitors who dropped in at the Pumphouse yesterday where a Drinkwise Fun Day was underway .
19 Deciding that his lead was comfortable enough to make a precautionary stop , Senna came in at the end of lap 48 .
20 He came in at the side door as though he knew his own way .
21 Kingsley Amis , who wrote an adventure for Bond as well as creating Jim Dixon , reflects aptly on the reasons for his : ‘ What happened was that we came in at the tail end of the literary tradition to the effect that no decent girl enjoys sex — only tarts were supposed to do that .
22 A new style of official entertaining came in at the Palace and still survives .
23 In the main gatehouse tower on the first stack , Moray was asking of the guard-captain whether the Countess was at home when the door from the first of the bridge-corridors was flung open and a young woman came in at the run , hair blown , laughing-eyed , skirts kilted up the better to run , fine bosom tumultuous — as unusual a Countess of Dunbar and March as was the castle of which she was chatelaine .
24 Lyn switched off the set as Stephen came in at the back door .
25 He left Helen and went to have a bath and in the cold steamy bathroom there came to him this vision of a distant unreal Helen looking — well , radiant was the unexpected word that came to mind — looking not her usual self at all in some frock that glowed and billowed and rustled as she came in at the front door late , pink-cheeked , a touch dishevelled and greeted by the stone wall of Dorothy 's disapproval .
26 Edward came in at the french window and stared blankly at his younger sister .
27 Well as you know er to be a basic rate taxpayer , you 're paying twenty five pence in the pound , apart from the er the new rate you know the first two thousand five hundred you get at twenty percent , which came in at the last budget .
28 But Anna did not talk to him , because Sarah came in at the same time .
29 In the morning the sun came in at the window and woke me .
30 Pensions for the aged came in at the beginning of the twentieth century .
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