Example sentences of "[vb past] him [prep] such " in BNC.

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1 The programme never described him as such , though he certainly wields the authority you would expect that title would give him .
2 There were times when Eliot seemed uncertain or ill at ease , suddenly very much the " resident alien " — one has the impression , always , of a man invaded by inexplicable moods and anxieties which he did his best to conceal — and Hayward 's own dominating and very English manner afforded him at such times a certain amount of confidence .
3 Sarah affected him with such unexpected desire he could n't understand himself .
4 Then the world seemed to be going round and he was falling down and someone was running from a distance , one of the Keepers , in a grey uniform and with a fat pale face that filled him with such fear that he began to cry out in Hebrew words that he had forgotten he knew .
5 But to hear now that That Woman was living in the Dower House , the very woman on whose account his mother had been incarcerated there , filled him with such distress that he could barely find the strength to be civil .
6 She needled him with such venom from behind her thick lenses that Seb was visibly squashed .
7 What was it about Judith that threw him into such confusion now , as then ?
8 Convinced for some reason that he must be called Paul , I addressed him as such .
9 Rhythm , the primary revelation of Indian music for Glass , preoccupied him to such an extent that one of his pieces at this time , Play , consisted of two lines for soprano saxophones. each instrument using only two notes .
10 Although Jack was taller , Ho hit him with such force that soon Jack fell away from him and he sprang out .
11 She rewarded him with such a beaming smile that he took the memory of it into the surgery with him , where it stayed all morning , brightening the day for him .
12 He began to kiss her fingers , one by one , and Meredith gazed helplessly at him , knowing she loved him with such a sudden , painful realisation that she groaned aloud .
13 The thing which kept him in such a feverish state was the unmistakable message her brown eyes had sent him as they stood so close together outside her door .
14 I could n't help thinking she was like a racehorse , and when Ward started questioning her , she answered him with such haughty condescension , such arrogance , that his face went white and I swear he 'd have play-acted the Gorbals slum kid and thrown a lot of four-letter words at her if he 'd known how to do it in Spanish .
15 For Dr Neil the feel of her , so soft , the scent of her hair , and of McAllister herself , was so wild and sweet and struck him with such force that his breathing grew a little ragged and his body reminded him of how long it had been since he had satisfied it .
16 We hounded him to such effect that he responded in the classic 1970s way and set up no less than an official committee of inquiry to consider the whole position .
17 With hindsight it is tempting to ask if her outrage was directed at the Prince or the woman who held him in such thrall , Camilla Parker-Bowles .
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