Example sentences of "[vb past] him [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Watching the final scenes of Jean Harlow 's last film , the ones shot after she had died , defeated him in this way .
2 He 'd been talking to these erm Greek blokes and they invited him into this bar for erm
3 For Prothero is the demon-king of the Poundian pantomime , ever since Pound cast him for this role by printing , at the end of his essay on De Gourmont — originally in the Little Review , then in Instigations ( 1920 ) — the letter which Prothero wrote him in October 1914 :
4 The fisherman 's wife , however , chastised him for this simple request and returned to the shore , there to harangue the Golden Fish with her demands for jewels , wealth and status .
5 He fell about laughing when his agent phoned him with this news .
6 To those who encountered him at this time , he seemed to grow more thick-set and muscular , endowed already with a public presence .
7 His familiarity with every stick and stone of it probably helped him to this preference .
8 If it is then asked what drove him to this desperate end , Zande will refer you to the particular tensions and stresses of his life .
9 I believe Surere encouraged him in this .
10 Martinho encouraged him in this opinion-he liked to make out that the organisation had been moderate until hijacked by extremists who believed in violence .
11 The plaintiff encouraged him in this behaviour .
12 She informed him of this conclusion , and with his usual calm he accepted it .
13 Picasso had never exhibited at the large Salons or taken part in any group manifestations , and after the Indépendants of 1909 , Braque joined him in this particular kind of artistic isolation .
14 Terrible neuralgic pains which troubled him throughout this period were the mirror of his inward distress , and the large doses of laudanum he took to relieve his symptoms , a portent for the future .
15 I killed him with this … ’
16 Of his Quaker relatives who followed him in this course , S. P. Tregelles [ q.v. ] and the banker Samuel Lloyd were the most prominent .
17 And then he gave order that all the windows of the towers which looked in upon the town should be closed up , that the Christians might not see what the Moors did in their houses ; and the Moors thanked him for this greatly .
18 The boy had not spoken since they thrust him into this sandstone cell under the ground and left him with his single candle and his narrow bed .
19 ‘ I never felt that Jesus was a friend and I do n't think that I really ever loved him before this half but now he seems always near to me and I like to think of Him more than I ever did before Mama 's dying so suddenly and unexpectedly made a great impression on me … ’
20 When the Central Authority carpeted him for this , he stated that he had done it both to meet statutory obligations and to make faster progress on rural electrification than agreed .
21 ‘ It was your people who got him into this , ’ he persisted .
22 Whitelegge 's knowledge of epidemiology , and his experience of public health administration in industrial districts , recommended him at this time to the Home Office , which was being pressed to reorganize its industrial health work .
23 When , a year later , with paintings such as Man with Violin , Braque 's Cubism reached a second climax of complexity and became also highly difficult to read or interpret , one senses that it was not owing to the excitement of working with a new , more abstract technique as it had been with Picasso , but because his interest in elaborately breaking up the picture surface so as to analyse the relationships between the objects and the space surrounding them , slowly and inevitably led him to this kind of painting .
24 Alec Guinness , who first met him at this time , considers that reading poetry on radio was the best thing he did .
25 ‘ He is that kind of Dharjee , ’ the head had said , when Robert asked him about this .
26 When I had occasion to talk to the Home Secretary about this , I asked him about this and he said oh , we want it to be local and I said you mean local not region and he said yes , local and I hope my noble friend who was there will remember that when he comes to decide whether this region things ever going to get a running .
27 ‘ We brought him on this tour so he could develop , and I believe he could be the player to hold England 's batting together for the next ten years . ’
28 Beth was convinced that Matthew would run away if she took him from this house , then what would become of him ?
29 Peter Yeo , who knew him in this over-candid , over-emphatic mood , decided to prod gently .
30 When I questioned him about this , he replied enigmatically that certain rock formations which had existed when they had arrived , had since disappeared and that he could swear that the rocks in some places had moved closer together .
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