Example sentences of "[vb past] up into the " in BNC.

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1 The bullet punched through armour plate , the tank exploded , and the arvee rose up into the air in a whirl of flame .
2 The sound was so alarming that the ducks on the lake enclosure opposite rose up into the air in sudden flight .
3 Nothing was left but a clearing in the forest and a flock of doves who rose up into the air , wheeled round , and flew off .
4 The glider rose up into the atmosphere .
5 Ashley swerved towards it , but as she ran the ambulance came to a halt beside a pad where a helicopter waited , a stretcher was ferried aboard and the helicopter rose up into the sky .
6 At Cajabamba we joined a slightly better road , and soon afterwards we turned west and headed up into the mountains through Huamachuco , climbing all the way .
7 She heard footsteps on the catwalk and peered up into the semi-darkness trying to get a fix on the German 's movements .
8 He peered up into the mass of wires again , and gave one a poke .
9 After about forty minutes Van Gelder moved up into the bows with a portable six-inch searchlight which , on such a clear night , had an effective range of over a mile .
10 Mr. F.J. Norris , the Head of Modern Languages , had first come to the School , on teaching practice , in 1933 , and returned in January 1934 as Form Master of Junior A. He soon moved up into the Senior School .
11 The small village was completely silent as the Marines who had landed at the small fishing jetty moved up into the plateau where the houses were built .
12 And er I I as I say I moved up into the next er school .
13 Wordsworth , on the other hand , placed more value on Nature as a religious and moral agent ; he began those speculations about the meaning and direction of his own life which eventually built up into The Prelude .
14 Straining her eyes , Chesarynth squinted up into the sky outside the neat polished world of the dome .
15 Every month they drove up into the hills , their sheet folded neatly in the trunk , their lust , by contrast , scarcely containable .
16 Finally we drove up into the Moqqatam Hills whose wide boulevards were mercifully empty .
17 As Vitor drove up into the mountains , the little boy remained bright-eyed and wide-awake .
18 The sweet saffron-like smell of some flowers that grew below , at the edge of the gravel , wafted up into the shade .
19 I came up into the air gasping deeply , panting , aching lungs swelling , feeling a rush of suppressed terror , clinging onto the curtain in a shaky state .
20 As they came up into the May morning he hopped over the ditch and skipped into the long grass as blithe as a squirrel .
21 ‘ The church clock was striking ten as I came up into the street from Custom House Quay . ’
22 Here they left the valley and climbed up into the forest .
23 Towards the end of her confinement she climbed up into the den and refused to leave .
24 Two of the protesters climbed up into the roof where , from the girders high overhead , they scattered anti-Fascist leaflets upon the audience .
25 Then I climbed up into the warm sunshine and the dry valley of Gordale Beck .
26 ‘ Would you ? ’ said Julia over her shoulder as she climbed up into the bus .
27 We were both thrown down and began to roll across the deck , but I was on my feet first and climbed up into the sails , hand over hand .
28 Which was n't precisely what she was worried about , thought Folly as she ducked under the rotors and climbed up into the bubble-like cockpit .
29 Miguel waited while she climbed up into the driver 's seat and wrapped on the seat belt .
30 They climbed up into the bales .
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