Example sentences of "[vb past] all [art] time " in BNC.

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1 And sometimes I felt he was different , and had changed , even though I knew people changed all the time and people our age changed faster than most .
2 Some were friends , some were enemies , but they changed all the time .
3 That was a phrase she and Benny used all the time .
4 He grumbled all the time , but was really quite happy because he did not allow himself to worry .
5 We stopped all the time for no reason .
6 His hands and body moved all the time .
7 A route she had been forced to follow , never quite closing the gap , though it narrowed all the time .
8 They laughed and joked all the time , and deliberately exhausted their guards by making them walk too fast .
9 They played all the time .
10 The Store nomes ate all the time .
11 ‘ We stayed in a tent for four days and got very wet because it rained all the time , ’ she says .
12 The next June , it rained all the time , and I could n't go out very often .
13 And she and Ryan screwed all the time and she did n't even love him .
14 At the present time jobs are not easy to come by , and if you 're on permanent , or rather short-term contracts renewed all the time this makes a difference to where you can get to compared with a man with the equivalent training .
15 He said it matter of factly , as if it happened all the time .
16 If it happened all the time , I would give up the game — I 'd quit .
17 There was always violence towards officers in Cookham : it happened all the time .
18 It happened all the time round here .
19 That pronunciation is a mistake that I made all the time that I worked in Scotland and I know the sensitivities which it aroused .
20 Eva was in total agreement : " I admired so much our officers who lived all the time with the women in the hostels .
21 He had absorbed enough knowledge of lighting in his career to know who was being given the best spots , and he fought all the time to get Therese pushed out when he was on stage .
22 Because Uncle Mosse left his door unlocked all the time at the end and he did not mind who came in and out , as he said .
23 She taught all the time .
24 Since Gertrude was only 16 when she first met him , she was , of course , chaperoned all the time .
25 Then Corporal Auriega , a fat Spaniard who sweated all the time , arrived back from town where he had been drinking all evening with his friends .
26 He figured all the time he was talking he 'd be keeping me from smashing up his hand with the gun-butt .
27 We did a great deal of work with music and in listening to sounds and in rhythms , and then a lot of work in which I actually read to him and he followed all the time what I was reading , so that he would try to link the sounds and the words together .
28 They kept the doors locked all the time now , and on a bolt and chain , and Big Nan had sewn Velcro round all the edges of the curtains so they 'd stick together and no one be able to peer in .
29 Mrs Morden spent all the time talking to the groups and helping where needed .
30 They spent all the time just complaining about fair competition .
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