Example sentences of "[vb past] been [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been thinking for a long time that I 'd welcome the chance to talk with a psychiatrist , although not about captivity — I felt I 'd worked my way through that enough — but about my past and how I came to be the person I was when I was taken hostage .
2 It ran beside a broad , shaded boulevard of feathery pepper trees , and the sudden sight of European-style buildings made him reflect that the jungles , fields and villages through which they 'd been moving for the past few hours had remained unchanging throughout many centuries .
3 Look , ’ and she opened her handbag and reached inside , ‘ this was one I 'd been saving for him — ’ Her voice cracked and she began to cry .
4 They would all be returning to town in the autumn to meet some sons of good families in Riba ; she 'd been saving for years , money from the pigeons , money from the cheeses , the almonds , her mother 's money when she died — may she rest in peace and perpetual light shine on her — she 'd hidden it from that villainous landlord who 'd strip everyone of their surplus if he knew how much they 'd hoarded , but they 'd never find out , the folk were far too tight to let anyone know , and he , Davide , must not breathe a word .
5 If we 'd been looking for an easy acquaintance with nature , we would have chosen a different landscape : something lusher and more intricate , not this bleak and famished hillside on the Atlantic 's edge .
6 So , off he went and came back one day saying that he thought he had the song I 'd been looking for .
7 He 'd been looking for that for ages .
8 During that week I felt the Lord speak to me and I knew that this is what I 'd been looking for all my life and I decided to follow Jesus .
9 At last she found what she 'd been looking for .
10 And he would ask a few questions , say he 'd been looking for a few hours .
11 Equally the use of ebony seemed a good choice ; I 'd been looking for an excuse to make something in ebony for ages , anyway !
12 This might sound , to Albert , as if she 'd been looking for him .
13 ‘ I 'd been looking for a fairly young product which had a range of merchandise to allow a shop to stand on its own two feet .
14 The Raubvogel had just entered the short tunnel that led out of the cavern , when Katze finally found what he 'd been looking for .
15 So he 'd been looking for her .
16 The man , who said his name was Dave , told detectives about a friend who 'd been looking for Carol shortly before she died .
17 Well I knew it was but it the fact that it had a nice easy switch in the base was something that I 'd been looking for .
18 I think that if we 'd been looking for some rather more er refined instruments of taxation , I nearly said torture , er from the continent then we might have looked er and found some rather better means of getting local money in to finance local government .
19 But it was n't like I 'd imagined — except for the long silences when I 'd been hoping for laughs .
20 Well , he told Mummy , and now she 's furious , because apparently it 's what she 'd been hoping for .
21 It was in the second of the rooms behind a damp stack of spare mattresses that he found what he 'd been hoping for .
22 He 'd been hoping for windows , and a view over the bay or the town .
23 Subconsciously , she realised , she 'd been hoping for a ready answer , an explanation which would clear her niggling doubts …
24 Sorry to anyone who 'd been hoping for a match report from Newcastle , but I went home to Wakefield the morning after the game and so did n't get a chance to post one .
25 I 'd been caddying for Ralph Moffatt on the pro circuit and got him through the pre-qualifier at Fairhaven , so I told him I 'd be caddying for him in the Open as I 'd heard nothing from Jack .
26 Nothing of her true nature , not even — and here Pavel had been holding his breath at the back of the Border Control 's interrogation room — where she 'd been living for the past two years .
27 Some items I 'd been holding for him .
28 She 'd been digging for a while when she looked up to swing the stone in her hand on to the pile , and saw Clare standing there .
29 ‘ I 'd been expecting for ages to hear you two were getting engaged .
30 Ever since I started consultancy work in politics , I 'd been pushing for the use of this simple invention — a British one — but it was n't until after President Reagan used it in his address to the Houses of Parliament that our politicians felt it was worthy of notice .
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